Episode 386

February 20, 2025


Historical Us

Historical Us
BTG For President
Historical Us

Feb 20 2025 | 00:48:35


Show Notes

BTG For President Episode #386

You thought I was going to get out of February without a little Black history? I have some historical facts and a vintage story to share as well.

 Historical Us #B4P386

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Go out to la. [00:00:02] Comin from the city where no pity is. Shell. Shell. Somebody need to do a song for la. Straight up. [00:00:13] Hello, my name is Elaine, and I'll be your tour guide through South Central Los Angeles. Look, count my nose. Smoke up. I'm from California. Where you from? So what? I'm from California. Cal, California. Cal, California. This is Los Angeles. Well, where? [00:00:32] It don't matter. [00:00:35] It's either you tripping or you not. Whatever. Which one you doing is on you. I'm tripping. I'm from west side foes, and I'm tripping. And if anybody watching this or seeing this, they already know the deal. [00:00:48] Black History Month. [00:00:50] I hope y'all had a good one. Very historical. Lot of blackness. [00:00:55] Lot of blackness took. I mean, the only thing that we didn't pay attention to this month was probably the All Star weekend. I saw a lot of the highlights on Twitter, TikTok and shit like that. Shout out to. I will not shout him out. He won three times in a row. But not. We not about to do that during Black History Month. We not about to do that. What we about to talk about, though, understand where we about to go with this, because this is Black history. [00:01:22] I don't want to get out of Black History Month without talking about some blackness something about some historical stuff. You know what I mean? Some classic stuff. And we gonna start with some food. We're gonna start with, like, some hood meals, some hood classics. My personal favorite. So this is like chef special. This is like the director's cut for hood meals. Okay, so. So at. At. At five, add five. [00:01:51] It's not. Okay, so it's not ranked, though. But I'm just gonna say I got five of them. I got five Special chef lunch special. [00:02:03] Okay, so we gonna go with butter and rice. [00:02:08] Butter and rice. And for the freaky niggas out there, including myself, sprinkle a little sugar on it. Cause sugar and rice is to me. Let's just piss off the other people that didn't understand Kendrick super bowl performance. I put sugar and butter in my grits. I put sugar and butter in my rice when I was. When I was down, like back. Back in the day. Not anymore. I haven't done it probably since. [00:02:37] I probably had. I probably. I probably hadn't put sugar in my rice. In my rice. I think I did it in the 2000s. I may have done it in the 2000s a little bit. I don't. I can't remember. But just because I can't remember, we gotta default to the 90s okay, that's the last time. Let me get a sip of my drink. That's the last time I did that. [00:03:00] Espresso. [00:03:02] The next. Oh, and then if you want to get fancy, you make your little hood. [00:03:09] Your little hood fried rice. It's not really fried because all you doing, just making regular rice, sprinkling butter and. Or sugar, and then adding some egg to it. Y'all eat eggs and rice. That held us down for a cool minute. [00:03:25] Yeah, that held us down for a Cool. It. It did. It did. Don't act like you didn't do that. Well, depends on where you from. Okay. Shout out. Don't judge me. Next one is we gonna. We got. This is a all time classic. I'm not sure if it's hall of fame worthy. Not. Well, I take that back in the hall of fame for sure. But I don't think it. I'm not sure if it's gonna be eligible for Mount Rushmore. I gotta talk it over with some fellas. We gotta hit the roundtable. But I'm gonna go with the jail spread, okay? And I know I got a couple of listeners. I got a couple of listeners that may not know what a spread is. [00:04:05] And you know, not just a spread. We're talking about the jail version. Okay? [00:04:12] Maybe 80% of the nation don't know. Maybe 90% of the nation don't know about jail spreads because they haven't been jailed, nor so they wouldn't know. They definitely wouldn't know the ingredients. We not gonna go over all the ingredients, but just know top ramen is involved, okay? Just know that. [00:04:38] What else is involved? Might. Might be. It might be a beef jerky, Definitely some cheese, definitely some chips, okay? Pickle juice. Hey, the spreads for all my. For all my viewers and listeners out there that don't know what I'm talking about. You might go to TikTok. There's a cat that I follow on there that still makes spreads. And he show you how to make them penitentiary style, too. Like show you the utensils. You don't need the shit that you grew up with. You don't need no fork or spoon or knife. Now that it'll make it go faster. But you got to use what he used, okay? [00:05:22] All right, all right. Shout out to the jail spreads. I've talked about this one. The next one that I'm about to talk about. This is also universal. Well, I don't know if it's universal, but it's definitely, I want to say, across multiple hoods in different regions Counties, states, cities, et cetera. Everybody know about Top Rodman and was going to go down. It has to be Mountain Rushmore. For this reason, this reason only. [00:05:54] It's the leader, the leading, the leading seasoning of all time when it comes to Ty Ramen. [00:06:03] That goddamn chicken. When you seen that orange pack, when you seen that orange pack, you got excited. [00:06:11] And I remember I go as far as back as it being 25 cents each, 25 cents a pack. It may have been cheaper, but I remember the homie we used to, you know, when n didn't have no jobs back in, you know, and I'm talking about like middle school, high school and they got to save up that little, you know what I'm saying? You own a Saturday, on one of them Saturdays, when you not going to the mall, when you not catching the 40 bus to the South Bay Galleria, you know what I'm saying? Or to the Crenshaw Mall, when you not doing that, when you're not on that type of time, when you're not having a water balloon fight, when you're not hooping in street ball, you know what I'm saying? At one of the parks or elementaries or middle schools, when you not doing that, when you not playing throw up tackle or sideline pop. My nigga, you gotta go get something to eat. And sometimes niggas ain't. And you couldn't just eat all like these kids got privileges. These niggas got snacks galore. And that's because we used to be the snacks kids. And what the kids don't know, nigga, we buying snacks for us too. N we still childish when it come to snacks. So you know what I'm saying? Like that's what we grew up on. But we didn't have access to the snacks like that all the time. No, only time we got access to the snacks is when moms went out with, with your, with your older, you know, the older cousin or your auntie that, you know, they around the same age, a little bit younger or whatever, but they in their 30s, you know what I'm saying? They, they going to some lounge at the time, whether they working the door or not, you know what I'm saying? And we there jumping around watching fucking WrestleMania from Blockbuster. Niggas got pizza and Chinese food. We had 24 hour access to the snacks that day. Niggas got Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, you know what I'm saying? Niggas playing John Madden, watching wrestling, then waiting till when at 11, 11pm 12am time hit you already Know what channel we looking for. You already know what channel we flicking back and forth to. [00:08:34] You already know what channel that is. And then when we got tired of that, went straight to bet. And you know what time that is. [00:08:44] Not. Nope, nope. Not in. Not. Not in this month. Not in. Not in head now. Okay. [00:08:57] Okay. Top ramen. Top ramen. Okay. Orange. Orange bag. A lot of you niggas tried to be different and got the beef, got the shrimp, Got the. Got the shrimp and chili, you know what I'm saying? Like, y'all tried to. You know what really. You know what really didn't make it that far. Like, it really, like, stopped in the late 80s, early 90s. That oriental flavor that didn't make it. That didn't supposed to happen. It didn't have a long run. Chicken came through and shut. Chicken is chicken. Thai ramen is the Michael Jordans of noodles. Gotta be. Cause it keep putting out the same shit. [00:09:40] Like. [00:09:42] And it's all bad. Sodium in it is, like, crazy. Like, niggas, you gonna die by the noodle. [00:09:50] Yeah. And some of y'all get freaky. I remember in college, first introduced me to cheese ramen. [00:09:57] Yep. Laid a slice of cheese over that, let me tell you. Changed my life. [00:10:03] It changed my life. I thought you could. You had to talk to me different walking down On. Walking down the hallway, walking into class. This is college, you know what I'm saying? So, you know, have even. Or most of your classmates you don't even know, because these from different, you know, different high schools and throughout the. The city, state and. And country. So, you know what I'm saying? But when I walked in, like, everybody looks. Don't talk to me different, bro. I'm putting a slice of cheese on my. On my ramen. Called it cheese ramen. And he was from Oakley, not Oakland. He was from Oakley. I think his name was George. If y'all could find my George. George was. George looked like. [00:10:46] God, what my nigga George look like? [00:10:50] I don't want to describe him. It's hard for me to come up with a celebrity or even a cartoon character to say what he looked like. It'd take me a minute. But cool cat, man. Super dope cat. I forgot his roommate nigga had, like, a regular Nintendo in his whip. [00:11:13] Yeah, he had one of those. One of those first stages of pin my ride type of trucks. I think he was from somewhere from the South. [00:11:20] I can't remember. I don't know if he was from the south or if he was from Oakley as well, but the nigga had a Nintendo system in his car. I thought that was fly. Thought that was fly. [00:11:34] Yeah. So, yeah, Top Reinhman, my top Ramen used to get into fights over those. Like it was a real big thing. Real big thing. Did y'all break y'all top Ramen in half? How many times have y'all broke? Did y'all ever break it up into four pieces or did y'all just boil it? You know, did y'all ever take. Take them apart because, you know, it's like two of them put together. Did you ever do that? And bubble, you know what I'm saying? Did y'all ever do that? Oh, how many times have you over boiled them? When the noodles just on some super shredder and they super soft, I throw them away. I throw them. I can't eat them after that. When they too soft like that, I can't do it. That's like not just not paying attention. Are you cooking it in a thin pan and that water start boiling faster than what you think. You go back, man, and noodles come back home swole. Nobody eating that. Shout out to Top Ramen, though. Chicken is a one. Next one. Yeah, absolutely, nigga. Syrup sandwiches, man. That's one of the. That's poor man's Poor man's pancakes right there, that one. And then you got the bologna sandwich. So it's like syrup sandwiches. I believe that's breakfast brunch. And then you got the bologna sandwiches, which is like brunch, lunch, dinner, you know what I'm saying? How many of you freaky niggas could see. I wouldn't. I wouldn't have mayo normal. I did like Miracle Whip as far as, like in my. In my tuna. And I. And I not fuck with regular mayo on my tuna as well. But I don't like mayo or Miracle Whip on a sandwich I don't like. I'm not going to be mad if it's on it. If it's a lot, though, because I never did like it. I never didn't like the smell of it. I didn't. I just did not like mayo. Miracle Whip had that sweet tangy to it. You could tell, but it's still in the same boat. Like, ew. You know what I mean? [00:13:25] But I will use either or for my tuna. Or my tuna. Because we. I. I created tuna. So in black history, I want to say back in 2000, maybe eight or nine, I used to mix my tuna and my chicken, my chicken breast together, and I used to call it tuna. I still call it Tuna fire. [00:13:47] Fire, nigga, fire. [00:13:50] And I'm not giving you my ingredients to my tuna. Just know I use sweet, sweet relish in mines. My wife like that deal shit. I'm like, ugh, that's definitely not black history month. [00:14:01] So. Yeah. So back to syrup sandwiches and bologna. Yeah, I mean, you know how many times I done fried that bologna? You know the middle gonna be gonna be popped up, you know what I'm saying? [00:14:12] Them edges gonna cook before that center cook. [00:14:16] Did y'all toast y'all bread or not? You know, the only ingredient that you need. But like I said, I know some of you freaky ass niggas was putting mayo on y'all sandwich on y'all bologna sandwiches. Me, mustard. Mustard on the beat, ho. [00:14:33] Mustard. Yeah. I didn't even want to play the drop. But yes, the mustard. Yup. On the bologna sandwiches. And sometimes put that cheese on it. Let that. You know, everybody know the best melting cheese of all time. Time is craft. Got all that chemicals in it. But that melt phenomenally. I can't. Damn, I didn't say that right. I'm not even going to attempt to try to say it again. I'm just like edible. [00:15:01] Poor me. I do it to myself almost every episode. I say a word and I just forget a couple of syllables or whatever. I don't know what's going on anyhow. Syrup sandwich. Syrup sandwich is fire. [00:15:15] Right? But look, this is what niggas never really. Let's talk about it. A syrup sandwich ain't nothing but an undeveloped French toast nigga. That's all. [00:15:26] That's all it is, dog. You just didn't add the egg, the vanilla extract, the cinnamon, you know what I'm saying? And the sugar. That's all you did. That's the only thing, that's the only difference. You just putting the bread in there, butter. You know what I'm saying? We're gonna have a discussion for my people out there, when it come to pancakes, when we talk about cooking your pancakes in butter versus cooking your pancakes in oil because of the edges, you know, Obviously if you cook with butter, that just makes the pancake taste more richer, you know what I mean? [00:16:04] But that grease, it takes longer for it to be absorbed, you know, so you can get a couple of more pancakes off more than you can get with that butter. Cause that butter, that pancake sucked that butter up. Quick pause if need all you immature niggas. But yeah, and then you gotta put more butter and more butter and more butter where that oil. How many niggas Used to use oil, depending on what y'all cooked. And y'all used to put it back into the Crisco can and then put it back on the stove or put it on the sink and reused it again. Am I tripping? [00:16:43] Was we really down that bad? Was it just me, or did y'all niggas do that too? [00:16:49] Don't. I mean, tell the truth. We all look. Whether we judge or not, you gotta deal with life. [00:16:56] Yeah. Bologna sandwiches. Bologna sandwiches. Cereal sandwiches. [00:17:01] Delightful. You know what I'm saying? Now I'm on some boo gas, Boo ghetto shit where I do the. [00:17:09] The three bread. [00:17:12] You know what they call it? The color calarasi, the strawberry jelly with the cheese toast. So I got the cheese toast on one side and I got the jelly on the other between the other bread. [00:17:28] My God, that shit is beautiful. Fat back. [00:17:33] Fat back. Ish. Okay. That sweet and sour combination with the cheesy farm. Yeah. All right. And then my last one. Oh, my God. Let's talk about it. My nigga. Pork and beans. [00:17:49] Pork and beans, bro. [00:17:52] That's when your moms used to cut up. [00:17:55] She used to cut up that hot dog. Cut up the hot dog, and she used to boil the beans. Working beans. [00:18:03] Yeah. Now we not talking about baked beans. That's a different. That's a whole totally different ingredient right there. A lot of brown sugar. You know what I'm saying? That's involved with that. And how many niggas made. [00:18:17] How many niggas made. [00:18:20] What you call it? Beans? [00:18:23] Not pork and beans. What did I just say? Not the pork and beans, but the. [00:18:29] Damn. I can't even think of them. Barbecue beans. You can go with that. I mean, niggas put ground turkey or ground beef into their beans. That's phenomenal. [00:18:40] That's. I'm talking about phenomenal with the barbecue. Put a little bit of barbecue in there. My brother used to. He used to make this barbecue sauce like he did Sweet Baby Ray's. Got too many chemicals in it. TikTok taught me. But he used to get the Sweet Baby Ray's, and then he used to pour Budweiser beer in it. Nigga taste buds on that. I'm telling you. Feel it right there. Right there. That shit was good. And we was wondering why we was getting sleepy. It wasn't just that. Itis. It had helped. Mm. Mm. [00:19:17] It had a little bit of assistance. That Budweiser put me down. You know what I'm saying? But pork and beans was. That was just a hood staple right there for a lot of different rough hoods. Definitely on the east side of la. So not east la, but the east side. Okay? Two different places. [00:19:37] But that's the meals. I want to shift your attention to a couple of questions we are going to. This is like some black card type shit, you know what I'm saying? But this is also some cultural shit right here that we must. [00:19:52] Cultural questions that I'm gonna ask now. I'm give you some time to answer while you in your car, while you at work, while you in bed, while you cooking. You know what I'm saying? You can all participate in this game. Okay? And I know if you got the question wrong. Okay, tell me. As a matter of fact, this is the. This is the feedback portion of the episode where I want y'all to. Whether you have my personal number or my IG or. Or Twitter and. Or Twitter, let me know what your answers was. Don't lie, though, because if I feel like you lying, I'm gonna call you out on my next episode. I don't like niggas that lie for no reason. Question number one. How long do you warm up a honey bun in the microwave? [00:20:43] Is it A, nine seconds. Is it B, 20 seconds? Or is it C, 12 seconds. [00:20:57] Okay, all right, all right. The answer is. [00:21:02] See, 12 seconds sometimes, depending on how hot your microwave get, is between 12 and 14 seconds. Nothing more, nothing less. And make sure you get the. Make sure you get the. [00:21:21] I don't want to say it. [00:21:24] I don't want to say it, but it's two different. [00:21:27] It's two different honey buns. You know, you got the one. You got the one with the white face, and then you got. You got a glaze. You got glazy glaze. And y'all know what I'm talking about. God, dawg, that's a hell of a pause because I already know y'all niggas is wild. Next. Next question. [00:21:46] What's the proper amount of cheeses you should put in your Mac and cheese? [00:21:54] Is it A, three, is it B, several, or is it C? It depends. I'm just let you know right now. [00:22:09] I'm giving you niggas time to answer. But if any of y'all press C, pick C, then you are no longer a part of this. [00:22:19] This God damn this discussion. [00:22:24] Because you should know. You should know a number amount. Okay? This ain't one of those let your ancestors guide. You know, that's seasoning. What we talking about is how many cheeses, fam. Okay? So I'm letting you know that is definitely Not C. That means you got A and B, which is three or several. And the answer is it's B is several. Because several crosses anywhere between five to seven. Okay? [00:22:59] And I know you might say, well, God damn, Baylor, seven different cheeses. That's a lot. You haven't lived long enough. Or you just don't have that type of toilet installed. [00:23:12] Because let me tell you, sharp white Vermont gouda mozzarella. [00:23:25] Hey, it's a lot. [00:23:29] It's a lot. Mild. I have a beef with mild cheddar. [00:23:34] I only get mild cheddar when sharp cheddar is not around. And then you got extra, you got extra sharp. Now you just showing off. Oh, I get a small bar of extra extra sharp. And then I get a much larger bar of just sharp cheddar. You know what I'm saying? Vermont, Wisconsin, cheesy fam. Next one. What? Kool Aid is mostly used by people who bought those pickles at the corner store. So everybody got. Everybody in middle school used to do it. High school cats were still doing it. They would go see a local liquor store, you know what I'm saying? [00:24:18] And they would have obviously at the register where it's caged up, you know what I'm saying? And it has the bulletproof window. And there's a, there's a, there used to be a jar of pickles that you can get fresh, fresh pickles in a jar. Don't know how fresh they are. But used to, wasn't worried about those type of germs back in the day. Then they started having like the individual bags. It got popular over time where they gave you the pickle, they had the sweet pickle and then add the Dale pickle. But they used to get those, these big ass pickles or whatever. And you know, one of the, you know, when you, when they, when they got freaky, they used to do the tahin seasoning, all kind of chili chile seasoning. But kool aid packages was very popular back then. But there was one particular flavor that dominated the whole dipping of the pickle. And that is, is it a grape? What flavor is it? Grape, red or tropical? [00:25:30] Now let me tell you this. There's only three options. It'd be too damn easy to say all of the above because I've seen people go to work on grape. I've seen people go to work on tropical punch. But guess what? It's nothing like that. Good old fashioned red and tropical. Tropical punch is red, but red is red. And red would always be cherry. Strawberry is red, but it's not. [00:25:58] Watermelon is kind of. It's like a reddish pink. You know what I'm saying? But it's not red. Red would always be cherry. So shout out if, nigga, if y'all still doing that. I'm not judging. I am, but I'm like, cool. I wish I could be more like you. Still dipping your pickles and shit. The next question, what freeway was OJ on when he started to chase? [00:26:27] Now, I want to let y'all know that he stayed in the Westwood slash Brentwood area. Okay? [00:26:41] In that area, there is two freeways. [00:26:48] Now, since most of y'all don't know where those freeways is at, let's go to the multiple choice. [00:26:55] Is It A, the 10 Freeway, is it B, the 405, or is it C, the 110 Freeway? [00:27:07] The 110 Freeway is probably one of our. Well, I would say second most popular. Most popular freeway. No, no, Third. Third. [00:27:19] The 405 would probably be the most popular freeway just because you hear it in songs. And that's where the bulk of the traffic be, on that freeway. Then you got the 10 freeway. You heard Kendrick mention the 10 freeway on Dodger Blue. [00:27:34] And then you got the 110 freeway and the 110 freeway that go through a gang of hoods. The 110 freeway go through a gang of hoods. Just. Just all the way to downtown. Further than that. You know what I'm saying? But, you know, you can definitely head to Dodger Stadium going north. But the answer to that is the 405. That nigga was on a 405 going 35 miles per hour. Okay. He ended up on some other ones, but, yeah, that. That was. That was it. I want to give a special shout out. I want to give a special. Speaking of kdot, I want to give a special shout out to Drake. [00:28:12] He is eligible to win the Ignorant with Endurance award. So we'll check back at the end of the year when I do have my award ceremony towards the end of the year. We're still working on that one, but Drake is definitely nominated. [00:28:32] Then we're going to get out of here with a little bit of history with some black history about some black folks who did some black shit and created black history. You may have heard of them or you may haven't. You know, once I do shout out these names. Make sure you go look them and go find them. Okay? Shout out to Black History Month. [00:28:51] This is historical us. [00:28:53] We got Davon Dobson. This was the first black man to perform T Pain that booty on stage, rocking it. [00:29:04] This nigga is rocking it. Next thing you know, a melee breakout. This black, this black king jumped off stage in a falcon punch form, connected, finished the fight, got back on stage, performed before we left. God bless him. God bless. Shout out to Davon Dobby Dobson. [00:29:33] That's some black shit right there. Next person is Smash. Y'all may have heard of him. Y'all may have seen him and heard him on one of these lives, mainly King Jaren Live. [00:29:47] I don't know who he is technically. You know, it's one of those things where it's like the chitlin circuit is a huge place, you know what I'm saying? I've been in a podcast game for a very long time and I just found out about Smash within the past, what, maybe two years or so. [00:30:11] So apparently he got a little bit of weight under his belt, but nonetheless, I know he has a black historical fact that we're about to talk about on this show. So Smash is the first black man to buy and sell some food stamps to an undercover cop, get arrested, but hired himself to represent himself in court. He beat the case and then he became a podcaster. Now he don't drop as much, but my God, look what he did. [00:30:46] Look what he did. [00:30:48] The man committed a crime, got caught, represented itself, beat the case. [00:30:57] Only a nigga like Smash can do that. Next person we got, let me see. History, history, history. We got Uncle Dolomite, first black Crip to this. Oh yeah, this is some now this is some shit right here. This is the first black Crip to discover light skinned niggas with dark skin motives. [00:31:17] Studies show that this is a trait that we had never heard about, but the first side of it was in the early 90s. [00:31:28] Yo, yeah, yeah, yeah. They said cats like, it'd be like cats like ice T&TI. It's just this certain attitude that inherently starts from dark skin roots but is also found in. It's a portion of these is from what I've heard studies say is one of the most. They're the fourth most dangerous niggas in the country. [00:32:02] Yeah, yeah, we got what's next? We got King Jaren. King Jaren is the only that lives his life by the HIPAA laws, right? Like even if you, I, I, I believe even if you meet up with King J, you still wouldn't know who he is. He is the only, he's the only black podcaster that does not have an identity but still has a presence. [00:32:30] We don't know if this is AI we don't. We did see a couple. On a couple of occasions, somebody get on with a. [00:32:41] They get on with, like, a mask. But it's like, you know, we don't know. That person can be in another country for all we know. You know what I'm saying? [00:32:51] Nobody knows King James legit. Could be an A.I. could be an A.I. by that we've been talking to this whole time. And the more we talk to him, the more information he picks up. The mannerisms, the et cetera and the cadence and stuff. Like, nobody knows where he's from. Between. We don't know. If you're from Florida, we know. Or North Carolina. We don't know. [00:33:13] We don't know. But it feels like some Tesla shit. Okay, next person we got Stone. L Tail Reblay. Okay. This is the first black man to donate multiple buildings to his community in Kansas City. [00:33:30] He has a restaurant. He has a chain restaurant called Fatback. [00:33:37] Yeah, I know. That menu is crazy. And he sold cigarettes in there, too. [00:33:41] Yeah. So shout out to Stone. Stone is a. He's a Kansas City fan. I think he might be even be a Kansas City native. [00:33:50] Gil, That's. That's. That's pretty much him. He has some very interesting stories. You should check him out. He's one of the most interesting black men of all time. Now, a lot of his stories is explicit and might come with a little bit of drunkness at the same time. It's very entertaining. Now, you gotta make sure you continue to talk to him. Cause he'll switch to another topic. Mm. [00:34:20] And make sure there's no women involved in this conversation. [00:34:26] Okay. I'm not saying that he turns into a different person. But what I'm saying is I think it is best that you. Whether this is an interview or introduction, just keep in mind only man. You know? [00:34:40] That's all I'm saying. Let's see what we got next. I think that might be the last one. [00:34:46] Yeah, shout out to. Yeah, shout out to them. So that was a little bit. That was a little bit of black history. Now, before I get out of here, I want to tell you one of the. [00:34:56] I'll tell you a little story for Black History Month. What I did eventually. I'm not sure if I even got caught, but we gonna take this back to the third grade. I was going to Altoloma on the west side. Right. I think it was called Alta Loma. [00:35:17] And, yeah, this was. This was. This was. I came home. So I was a latchkey kid. Let's stay Stick with me. Stick with me. I was a latchkey kid and my normal routine, what I would get home is I would, you know, put my book back down. [00:35:39] Teddy Graham's was like the shit back then. So. Teddy Graham's peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You know what I'm saying? I'm making me a lunch. A yogurt. We had go. I think we had gogurts back then. I think. I'm not sure. We had something like that. Something like that. Squeezes and you know, I'm getting all the snacks. We got cartoons coming on around that time. Animaniacs, you know what I'm saying? Bobby's World like that. So, you know, it's. It's all cartoons. Oh, Power Rangers for sure. Power Rangers. Like, no, no, I don't think. No, no, I didn't get Power. [00:36:15] No, no, no, no, no. I'm skipping. My bad, my bad. I'm moving too fast. Because Power Rangers was like fourth, fifth grade. I'm talking about third, third, second, third grade. I was the last key kid from second to third. I think, anyhow, walking home, I was. Most of my schools, most of them. [00:36:35] Eventually I could all walk to all of them. Literally. You know what I'm saying? [00:36:41] I think every school that I attended to. Except for preschool. [00:36:48] Except for preschool, I could walk elementary, middle school, high school, walk to all of them. All of them. [00:36:58] But, you know, I walked home this one day and I don't know why I felt. [00:37:07] I don't know why I felt like just. Boy, you know, when you ain't got shit to do, you a kid, like some bad shit gonna happen. It was just one of those days where cartoons just wasn't really on my mind. Like that my dumb ass. Get in the house. Lock it up as usual. Probably got cartoons on. Ain't got shit to do. Moms don't get off till late. Moms ain't gonna get home till about 10, maybe 11 o'clock. That's. Which is crazy, right? Like, I was putting myself to bed and she could have been, you know, she could have been. It could have been earlier than that. But I know later on, middle school, high school, I was. Moms was definitely getting home at like 10 or a little bit after. Cause I remember sometimes I would miss certain, certain I will watch wrestling Monday Night Raw. You know what I'm saying? Monday Night Raws. And then they had Smackdown on Thursdays. But Monday Night Raw, that shit didn't go off. I think it came on at like 8 and then it went off at 10. And there was like maybe a handful of times where my mom would pull up, I see her headlights, and we had supposed to be in the bed already. So I would miss everybody know, like that last. Like that last 15 minutes of raw. That's where all the juice. That's where all the drama is about to happen. All kind of the last match. Or it's gonna be like some little side going on backstage. Whatever the case may a standing in the ring, talking to a. That's at the entrance. And like that. Like that's where the real be starting at. Towards the end. And it was a couple of times she pulled up and I had to turn that off and go hop in the bed. Yes, indeed. Yes, indeed. But no, this was at a different spot. An apartment that we stayed in on the west side. Walked home, like I said, book back down, get my snacks, turn on the cartoons. But this time I got bored and I decided I wanted to call the police. The police station. I called the police station. My dumb ass was acting like I needed help. I remember I was acting like I needed help and. But then I would hang up. [00:39:13] I would hang up. I will call and hang up. Now, here's where it gets kind of. [00:39:19] Here's where it gets kind of. [00:39:25] Kind of tricky. I'm not sure if I actually did this with a classmate there. Like, we played around on the phone. [00:39:36] It could have been by. I could have been by myself. All I know is after several attempts of doing that shit playing on the phone, the police came to my house. The police. It was two police officers. Two male police officers. They came to my house and I lied. [00:39:57] Now, mind you, just think about the times I'm in, like, the. I'm like at the third grade, right? I'm in the third grade and I'm at home by myself. The policeman come to my house. I opened up the door. [00:40:12] They asked what happened. You know what I'm saying? Not saying they were. They. They. All right, let's put it like this. They knew that I was playing on the phone, but I lied and said it was a classmate that was here that was playing on the phone. And they left, right? That was my story. I was sticking to it, nigga, I was scared. [00:40:32] So just think about the days and times. Like, yo, they didn't. No CPS was involved. They took me upstairs to my neighbor's house, which was a Hispanic family. I knew the kids, but these were the. Like, the parents didn't know English, and they did a little bit, but they had to watch me until I Got home. So they must have contacted my mom, right? I had to go upstairs and I had to stay with them until my mom got off work. Mom get off of work, pick me up. I'm scared than a motherfucker, boy. [00:41:09] My heart, My heart beating, dog. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Like mom's picked me up. We walk downstairs. Cause we stayed in the third apartment. [00:41:27] If it was three, I think. I don't know if it was three or two or three or two apartments downstairs. But we was the third one. We was the one towards the back, near the parking lot. [00:41:40] Walking in. And she asked me what happened. She mad. I could, nigga, I could. I could see the steam coming off of her body. [00:41:50] Just getting off of work, nigga. I lied. I said. [00:41:56] I said it was a classmate and then I said it was one of the kids. And hey, I was a cold nigga. I blamed it on one named Greg. Greg was my. My older brother's homeboy. And this was like one of the most athletic, skinny niggas. Like, he looked like he. He remind me of Schroeder, of Dennis Schroeder, his mom. I forgot where it was from, but it was just him and his mom. It was just him and his mom. And she was super cool. Super cool. This nigga had a python as a. As a pet. And I remember one day the python got out of the tank and it like wrapped around. [00:42:43] It got loose and wrapped around the furniture, wrapped around the couch. And they had to call the animal control people to get it off the couch. And it was like, nigga, it was like a huge thing on the block. We was all standing outside the apartment waiting to see what they was gonna do with it. It was a big ass python, like one of them Jake the snake shits. Anyhow, that was my brother, homeboy. And I think out of all these years, I think I know why I pinned it on him. False. Because one day he had a Super Nintendo, all that shit. And he used to have like this. I forgot what the game was, but it was like this. It was like this. [00:43:25] Not race car. It was like. Not like a race. It was like a. A spaceship race car type of destruction type. It was some game we used to play that used to be fun in a. [00:43:37] But he also had. I'm scared of spiders. [00:43:40] He had this spider glove. Like when you put the glove on your hand is a big ass tarantula spider. [00:43:48] I was scared of spiders. So my older brother and him tortured me where I was playing a game. They was doing something else. Cause you know, they a little bit older than me, so girls is involved, but sometimes them n't let me play the game. That's how young I was. That was. You know what I'm saying? So this time I'm happy. These nigga let me play in a game. They not bothering me. And I'm playing street, streets of rage, all kind of shit. Nigga. That nigga Greg went to go put on that motherfucking glove, and that nigga grabbed my shoulder and I look, I jumped and ran into the nigga closet, dog. And I was screaming. My brother said, let me see that glove. And then nigga was just tickling me with the glove, nigga. This is why I trust issue. This is why I suck you in your face. [00:44:34] This is why I am the way I am, nigga. I still ain't forgot that. Anyhow, that's why I pinned it on Greg. [00:44:43] I said it was Greg. And nigga, do you know that whole week, nigga, that whole week, my mom was like, we would go either if we went to the store a couple of times on the way back. Nigga, motherfuckers is outside. Nigga, we was outside in the early 90s, late 80s, early 90s is outside. [00:45:04] But this is in the. Obviously, this is like in the 80s. This is in the 80s, mid, mid to late 80s. [00:45:13] Yeah, towards, like, this is probably like 87, right? 87, 87, 86, maybe 88. I don't know. [00:45:24] It was somewhere around there. Anyhow, we coming back home from the supermarket, right? We stayed not. We stay literally up the hill, like down the street from Word on Wheels and where the. Where the riots sparked off at real big time. But y'all don't. I ain't gonna say that. [00:45:43] Anyhow, we coming down the street and it's one of those things where I can't wait till we get home, but I can't. I'm in trouble. I'm in trouble, nigga. I look, we coming through the block and is outside. Niggas got the football outside. You could see the bikes. Like, N. It was like 19 kids outside. That's how the block used to be, nigga. N was outside, but I couldn't go. My mama drove up. Where all the where. The midst of it, like where Greg stayed at across the street. My homeboy Jeremy stayed. This is where I fell off the bike and I fell on my chest and I lost my voice for about five minutes. They stayed directly across the street from each other. [00:46:20] That's where all the kids was at. And they just you know, they kids on this side of the street. The kids on this side of the street. Kids in the middle of the street playing football, nigga. We yell out a car when a car is coming. So we passing through. I'm thinking we gonna go straight to the crib. Nah, nigga. She stop in the middle of the chaos and says, which one is Greg, nigga? Greg went out there, and I wasn't lying, but I was like, he not out here. He not out here right now. And I think my mom started to think I was lying, but I pinned that shit on Greg. Till this day, I pinned that on him. The police came in. I caught the police station over several times and was acting like I needed help, and I just kept hanging up and giggling. I was a stupid little. And then came to. When they came to the door because I didn't look through the peephole. I looked through the. Through the window, saw two police officers standing there scared in the. I don't remember. [00:47:17] I remember sitting on the couch and them talking to me. I was sitting on the couch and I remember them talking to me. [00:47:26] And somehow I don't know. Again, I don't know if I brought it up or I don't know if the neighbor seen it or I don't know if they got in contact with my mom, but regardless, I just remember going upstairs and then I had to wait till my mama got home. [00:47:44] Yeah, that's a little bit of black history for you right there. So that's. I guess we can put that under dumb shit, because that's. That's what it was. Hey, stay tuned for the next story. But this was my black hit. This is a historical us. I appreciate y'all. I love y'all. Do better. Don't do no Drake shit. Get out of there or don't start nothing. Leave niggas. Women's alone. And if you're not a tough guy, it's okay. [00:48:15] You don't have to just be you. [00:48:19] Run from that identity crisis. Be you. There's a group of people that's just like you that will accept you for who you are. Okay? The west is still up by at least 30.

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