Show Notes
BTG For President Episode #305
I’m on my 12th marriage anniversary. Feels good and we make it look good, but at what cost?
Who Got 12? #B4P305
BTG For President Episode #305
I’m on my 12th marriage anniversary. Feels good and we make it look good, but at what cost?
Who Got 12? #B4P305
Episode 52
August 16, 2018
Episode #52 You can do it for the gram if you want to. Once the phone is down and the doors are closed, you...
Episode 331
January 25, 2024
BTG For President Episode #331 I called out somebody. I honestly forgot but it was fasho the truth lol. Don’t take it personal. Well…yes...
January 16, 2020
BTG For President Episode #125 Document your happiness with the people you sincerely care about. Do what makes you feel joyful and accomplish some...