Episode 359

August 08, 2024


N**gas Clickin' Up

N**gas Clickin' Up
BTG For President
N**gas Clickin' Up

Aug 08 2024 | 00:32:27


Show Notes

BTG For President Episode #359

Britt Britt flew out to see us Californians for the weekend. We drank, we laughed, we ate, we swam, and I was froze of a few domino games. Helluva conspiracy I see lol.

N**gas Clickin' Up #B4P359

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:04] Speaker A: Somebody need to do a song for LA. [00:00:13] Speaker B: Hello, my name is Elaine and I'll be your tour guide through south central Los Angeles. [00:00:18] Speaker A: Look, count my nose, smoker. I'm from California. Where you from? So what? I'm from California. California, California, California. This is Los Angeles. Where are we going? I had a phenomenal weekend. Not as past weekend was fire. I'm not gonna even lie. Did a lot. I did a lot for 44, 41 year old. That's old, bro to be doing that much. And I still got back into the crib, like, I think I got back into the crib like around ten something past my bedtime, but whatever. Um, that's good. And I did a lot. Shout out to my niece. Shout out to my niece who was going off to college. I'm happy. And she called me. She called me by BTG, though. She didn't say Uncle Baylor or anything like that. She was like, bTg, now I'm cool. Like, if my niece know my, like, know my podcast, like, alternate universe nickname, I gotta be one of the coolest cats on the block. That's fire. It's a beautiful thing, man. But hey, I mean, a wife stepped out a little bit, you know what I mean? Wait, before I get. Shout out to King Germ. Shout out to queen germ. Poden saved our marriage is like, that's what. That's one of my top five shows right there. Like, entertaining. That. That's not just podcasting, that's tv shows, YouTube clips, et cetera. A top five segments. Phenomenal, you know what I'm saying? The banter, they're going back and forth. The jokes is hilarious and you learn some stuff. Top teens, you know what I'm saying? You get a lot of information off of that. Off of that show and you gonna get. It's entertaining, dog. Check it out. Check it out, please. But I was on the latest episode. Latest episode. And everybody don't really get to go on there like that, you know what I'm saying? If I'm not mistaken. Twelve cow about 50 episodes ago. And then myself, like, that's a different type of bag you got to send. You know how certain artists don't do interviews? And then when they do do interviews, like an exclusive one with somebody you like, damn. How they get the interview? Don't a stop. Chill out. When your time is right, then it'll happen. But until then, you gotta. You gotta let the big dogs, like we in different podcast roles. I'll just play it, man. Dope episode, though, man. We dropped. We dropped our episodes back to back, I think you know what I'm saying? So. And it all made sense. It all lined up like how it's supposed to go. King Jarn, man. Shout out to King Jarnae. Anyhow, like I said, was outside Saturday and went to a day party. Britt was out here. Britt is listening to this episode. Britt is. She's cheesing right now because she's waiting for me to drop this diss track so she can respond. Me and her going through some kdot versus drake type stuff right now. We going through that type of beef right now. You know what I'm saying? She took a visit. She came home, you know what I'm saying? And came to the crib, and we got outside and we touched that water. Yeah, yeah. That's a different type of family package you gotta have. Lidocast is not coming over there. Just chilling, you know what I'm saying? You're not gonna get the gaming experience. You might not get the water experience. You know what I want to say? Shout out. Shout out to agent Dame. Because he definitely introduced me to a next level type of vibe. We get an invite, we didn't even think we was going to be able to attend, but we did because Bailey was sick of our shit. And Bailey was like, y'all need. Y'all need to get outside without me. I'm good. You know what I'm saying? I'm gonna go over here, chill for a couple of hours. Matter of fact, y'all, y'all take the night off. I was like, where? Anytime the kids say, take the night off, what you think I got planned? Anyhow? Let's get back to the beginning of day before I get to the end of the day. All right, cuz, what happened during the day? Travesty. Yeah, we gonna talk about it, though, because here's the thing about life. You can't trust everybody anyhow. I trusted these vibes, though, mind you, you know, I'm bringing my bag with me. And my bag got something inside that bag that's gonna make me smile. So we get there, we pull up. First of all, we went to delicious pizza pizzeria, famous spot. Go check it out on IG. So when y'all come out here, the food was phenomenal. I didn't get to taste everything. Pause. But we did order, like this fettuccine, this chicken fettuccine pesto. But, man, that shit was so. It was good. It was real good. The drinks was good. The DJ was fire. Like the dj he executed. He executed the. He executed what he needed to execute in the vibes. I don't think we could have been to a much. It fits us type of place, but go on your ig right now, and I want y'all to look up soul therapy, la. I'm gonna say this again, soul therapy, la. We play dominoes. I'm gonna get to that in a minute. See, I'm moving too far. I gotta slow down, bro. I gotta slow down. Cause like I said when we first pulled up, you know what I'm saying? We got the wristband, you know what I'm saying? We had the agent come out. Agent came out and said, nah, they were. They with me. Give me a wristband. Boom, we in there. Walk in there, spot it. I'm looking, you know, I gotta. I gotta protect my. Me and my wife. You know what I'm saying? Like, I gotta be ready at all times. I'm looking for the exits, you know what I'm saying? That's the first thing that I don't look to. See who in there first. I need to know the exits, that back exit, the side ones, defense, how high, you know what I'm saying? I need to know what was at the front door, who was at the front door, what type of security we got going on. It's a small spot, but it just felt. It felt like it was. It felt like it was. It felt like it was more people. It wasn't crowded. Don't get me wrong. It was space, but it was just. It was popping, walking there. Now I'm. Now I'm looking at the roster. I'm seeing what we working with, what's going on, checking the corners. I'm looking for niggas and hoodies. You know, I'm saying, I'm looking. I'm looking for niggas in black, and I'm looking for niggas who want to wear a Covid mask, but not for health reasons. That's what I'm looking for. Because we offer Adams not too far from La Brea. So PTSD automatically flared up. Now, we didn't flinch at the invitation, though. We were ready to go. We just know once we got that address and we see that it was off Adams, that's when our antennas went up. You know, that's just boy being born and raised out here. Nonetheless, we get there. Boom. Didn't have no cash on this. Why? Because it's 2024. Do I need to carry cash? Absolutely. Do I carry cash? No. And we needed that for the valet parking, you know, where else we gonna. You know. You know. Now we already a little concerned because we didn't really. We didn't charge up the car before we left. So we get to LA, car on, like, 24%. We gotta go to a supercharge station in LA, and it's gonna be at night. So now that's all I'm thinking about anyhow. We put that to the back. We gonna figure it out. Get in there, walk in there. Boom. We automatically. We go to the bar. That's. That's the number one rule when you get in there. When you get into an unfamiliar spot, go to that bar. That's like. That's your safe. That's your safe. That's your safe haven for the moment, you know. So now it's about to look like you, but all right, see, because niggas gonna judge you off your drink. She went straight for the margarita or whatever. You know, I'm saying, I didn't really. I didn't get nothing, but I seen that food menu and the options was phi nominal. I went for that pattuccini and Alfredo pesto, whatever that shit was. Chicken, whatever. That was phenomenal. So the food, as far as I'm. As far as I'm concerned, without even trying everything else, it was a ten, it was a tea. I seen people in there with pizza. There was some other things going on, too. There was a table. I approached that table. Yeah, I did. I know what I did. I approached that table because they had candy on there. I seen different boxes, different flavors, a variety of flavors. And they also had two plates. One which had some chocolate inside of a wrapper, and then the other was just bare, buckyball naked edibles. Two different flavors. One looked like it was more of a cherry or a strawberry, and the other one was like a grape. I know because I had the grape one. I had the grape. I'm looking on the boxes. I'm trying to see how many milligrams. That's the first thing I'm looking for. I see no milligrams. You wanna know why? It's shrooms, right? So I'm like, mind you, I just. I ate as soon as we pulled up to valet and we got our money thing situated, and we pulled up. Get out. I was like, hold up. I took one, right? I took one, took a gummy, walked into the party, walked to the table. So this is the story that I told in person. I said ten minutes later, this wasn't even ten minutes apart of me getting in and then going to the bar and then going to the table, I would say less than ten minutes. I go over there, dude's like, yo, you text me. You text this number, your name and stuff like that. I fell for the trap. My stupid. I fell for it. I fell for the trap. Texted. And he was like, yeah, this is the number you hit up. You know, we make deliveries. And I was so. I was like, yo, these are shrooms. He was like, yeah, but it's not one. It's like, you're not gonna be tripping or nothing like that. He was like, the difference between the two is the gummy is more of a gonna give you that sativa type of action. And then he was like, but the chocolate is gonna have you kind of, like, on a cruise control, like, you know what I'm saying? Going like, a solid 65 in the middle lane in the freeway at 03:00 in the morning. You know what I'm saying? So I was like, all right, let me get that gummy. He was like, trust me. I was like, but I just took an edible. So is that going to. You know what I'm saying? What is that going to do? He's like, no, you should be good. And I was see what the immediate, you know, Brit, you know, saying, we all pull up. You know, Brit there. Agent. Agent Dane is there. You know what I'm saying? Me and wifey and some dominoes broke out. A domino game. You know, I'm saying, we getting. We got the food coming out. The dominoes is out. The DJ is rocking. The music is phenomenal. Oh, let me get back to the roster, though, nigga. This is probably the highest, the most diverse crowd that I. And I've been to baseball games. I've been to football games. I've been to basketball games. I've been to a lot of live events. I've been to the locks concert some years ago, and it was very diverse. Hip hop heads up in there. I've been to San Francisco. I've never in my life been in an area that was so diverse in that part of the hood. And when I mean, by diverse, I'm not even talking about just your skin tone and where you come from, nigga. I'm talking about age wise as well. Like, it wasn't too many young cats up in there. And when I mean, like, young, like, maybe. Maybe with some late. Some late twenties, but it was a show anywhere between 30 and maybe about 50. Yeah, somewhere around there. But the vibes was phenomenal. No, I don't think. I don't think we could have found a better event to go to. Outside of, like, R and B are rb. Know only that was. That's top notch, too. Like, if you add both of those together, that's. It's like iron man and Black Panther, you know, I'm saying. Hints of the show. Niggas clicking up right. Phenomenal. The food is good. The games you got is good. Now we only play Domino's, but I've seen some car games, you know, Uno's own deck and some other stuff. I'm talking about that. You got to see it, though. This is. You know, what? If I could compare it to something, it'd be a dispensary. If you walk into a dispensary or whatever, you'll see how diverse it is when not even depending on. Because there's dispensaries everywhere. Right? So I walk, and you could walk up in there, and you can see any walks of life up in there, buying in. You know, working is. That's just what it is, is. That's the one thing besides sports that brings us together is weird, but, yeah, drugs and. Drugs and sports is what brings, you know, different races together, if you really think about it. You know, I'm saying. But that's what you had there. There was a guy in there with a dog, right? I didn't see him. I feel like I did see him, but I was just too high to, like, really remember. And then there was another dog in which the waitress said, when you get your food, please do not feed the dog. That dog doesn't belong to anybody. It's just a neighborhood dog. So basically she said, when the function pops off, that my nigga smokey showing up whenever you tell somebody something like that without even blinking. Oh, yeah. Make sure you don't feed the dog, because the dog doesn't belong to anybody. He's just here. Like, he just shows up every time we do a function here that my nigga shows up. That's dope. That's dope in itself. But we playing domino's, and let's get. Let's just get to the beef. All right? The beef is when we first started. I'm the first two, I want to say the first two or three games, smoking these niggas. I'm talking about doing what I'm doing on them dominoes. Twelve cow. You understand your time is up. You got. You'll be reporting in the wintertime, so make sure you get your domino game up. I sent you the app. Go do what you need to do, because when you come out here, you play in person. That's a whole. Hey, what Mike Tyson say. Everybody. Everybody kill it till they get hit. Everybody. You know what I'm saying? So go ahead. You gotta start practicing now. You got a nice little. You got a nice little. Yeah, you got some time. Let's get it together. All right? Or you can come to my boot camp and we could talk about that one. You know what I'm saying? But anyhow, Domino's breakout. And. And at this time, I'm on cloud. I'm on cloud 82. Like, I'm. It's up there. You know what I'm saying? I didn't. Took an elevator to get to a ladder, so. And it's. And I'm good now. At this point, I don't know if this mushroom had any type of effect because I still felt like the regular high of an edible. You know what I mean? So I was like. Cause that was my concern, was like, am I about to get, like, double the superpowers? Because I'm gonna tell you something later on. That felt like, okay, maybe it's doing what it's supposed to be doing. So we playing domino's. And, you know, I'm not gonna lie. It felt like there was some point shaving when it came to me. Now I get it. I'm a person that likes to talk a lot of shit in regards of just being competitive, period. And I like to bring that out of people. Um, I do like to bring that out of people, and I just like how they respond. I don't really mean most of the shit that I say, but because I know I'm gonna get a reaction, and because I know whether, you know, I'm playing or not, it's gonna be entertaining. So, with that being said, I do feel like niggas were shorting me on some chains, which kind of prevented, you know, me from winning, but, I mean, that's just what happened. And I felt bad about it, but n clicking up but cannot be legit no 40 water tell em oh, yeah, yeah, get up with me fuck sneak dissing first person shooter. I hope they came with three switches. [00:18:46] Speaker B: I crash out. [00:18:47] Speaker A: And they did come with three switches. They did. They came with three switches. You know what I'm saying? Them niggas tried to lock me out the game. Twelve count them n froze me out the game. Like, I felt like Isaiah Thomas. They froze me out the game. They froze me out the domino game. At one point, Britt and my wife, these motherfuckers were scoring points off of each other and just laughing, like, dapping each other up. That's how you do it. Was it? Nigga, Domino's is. No. There's no teams. We're not playing teams in Domino's. It's four people in there. We're royal. That's seven bones apiece. These niggas was clicking up. I hate these niggas, man. I really hate these niggas. But you know what it is, though? I'm always gonna have the last laugh. Ain't that right, chica? [00:19:40] Speaker B: You think? [00:19:41] Speaker A: You think. [00:19:42] Speaker B: Do you think. [00:19:43] Speaker A: No, I'm saying. [00:19:44] Speaker B: Dudes, do you think the bae. [00:19:46] Speaker A: No. [00:19:47] Speaker B: Okay. You think you go? [00:19:48] Speaker A: You think the bae gonna go? [00:19:49] Speaker B: You think you go. You think you go, hey. You think. You gonna let the bay. You think. [00:19:59] Speaker A: So? Here's the thing. And I love my sugar my sugar she just can't do no wrong but she set me up. Niggas do not like they look, no matter what game we play, just as long as I don't win. That's how it is. Just as long as I don't win. That's what they want, and that's what they got. And they. And they achieved. We played. At least we played anywhere between five to six games. I'm down those. Maybe. Maybe six to seven, something like that. You know what I'm saying? And guess what? No, you know what to. I think it was somewhere around five or six games. Somewhere around five or six games. And I didn't win that one, but I was dominating in theme. That's the crazy part. So, like, it's like coming out in the first half, it's. It's like. It's like coming out in the first half strong, and then in the second half, I start running the ball. Nah. Cause they was. They was. They. Yo. Yo, man. And. Yeah. Look, you want to know the most random thing of the night? Remember Domino? Look, I'm not gonna lie. Like I said, I think the DJ was phenomenal. I thought everything in totality. Like, I thought the. How can I put this? It was almost perfect, though. Twelve cow is something where I would take twelve cow, you know, when he comes out here and stuff like that, because it's a real vibe, right? Hella vibes. Hell of high. But, my nigga, when this came on, this is. Ok. [00:22:06] Speaker B: The great switch. [00:22:08] Speaker A: And that's not the. That's not the crazy part. The crazy part is DJ stopped the song and said, we got some karaoke that's about to go. So I said, oh, okay. They just do some random karaoke. So a cat came up there, and I had seen him in a party, just mixing, mingling and stuff like that, having a grand on time, because we was all having a grand old time. The nigga got on the mic, and the nigga knew all the words to this song. And the reason why he knew all the words and he knew how to perform it so crisp and dope, because it was domino just randomly. Now, look, that might not be much to my younger crowd, my younger listeners, or even people that's not even from here. Y'all. Y'all, y'all probably. That probably. It probably don't even matter to y'all. But to me, that was dope. That was the highlight of the night. Besides niggas out there clicking up and really just. Suga, tell me something. [00:23:25] Speaker B: You think you gonna let the baby. You think you go. You think you gonna let the baby disrespect pot niggas? Do you think. No. You think. You said no, dude. [00:23:34] Speaker A: You think Dubai gonna let you disrespect pot nigga? [00:23:36] Speaker B: You think you go. You think you go? [00:23:41] Speaker A: But that's my wife, and I'm gonna stick beside her, okay? Because this is where we had to find that. We had to find the Tesla supercharger, and we found one in this random ass building on the second floor. And as we're charging, I'm just. I'm asking my wife a question, and this was her answer. [00:24:05] Speaker B: See? Do you think you go? No, you don't do. Do you know? You think you go. You think. Mercy. Mercy. [00:24:17] Speaker A: Do you think you go, see, and I'm not even mad at her because she was trying. She was trying. Then that's all you could ask for. You know what I'm saying? Especially in a world like this. You know what I'm saying? After I was ambushed in Domino's. I'm over it. It's like something I definitely. I know I can get past, you know? But as far as my wife. Well, I mean, I don't know. I don't know if she can. I don't know where she goes from here. She thinks everything is a joke. You think you know me? [00:25:01] Speaker B: You think you go? Nothing. Wait, do you know? No. Do you think you go? You think you go, no, no go. You think you go, no, it's no go. It's no go fairly. She argued with herself. [00:25:20] Speaker A: Soul therapy, man. Soul therapy. La. Phenomenal. Even. Now, here's the thing, though. It's not just at one particular spot all the time. From what I was told the information that I'm getting is that they do this once, once or twice a month, and you have to follow them to get a location because you got an RSVP. You got an RSVP and. And then go from there. So that's something I want to keep, you know, in a rolodex. Like I said, the music was anywhere between, like, we didn't really get too much of what was out today, except for obviously, you know, they played KDOt, you know, they gonna play that, but outside of that, they played it. You know, they played, you know, glow rella and stuff like that, but mostly was nineties, you know, I'm saying, we got some oldies up in there, man. It was a hell of a vibe. It was real good that the DJ, the DJDeh, that's the MVP. That's the MVP. The games was, and we only played Domino's. It was like I said, there was other games involved and stuff like that. We just stuck with the Domino's. Nobody, nobody was just. Everybody was mixing and mingling, but, like, nobody was there, like, doing too much. It was very, very diverse, though. You got to hear me out, though. Just not. I'm not telling you. This is not. You're not going to walk in there and it's going to be like, niggas. Nah, it's like shit, man. It's like how I envision LA to be, how diverse we are, how different we are, but still under the same laid back west coast rules, you know what I'm saying? Like, it's certain shit that we understand collectively, but it's different cultures within side the LA culture, you know what I mean? And that's just what it is. From the gang culture to everything. Like, there's a lot of, like, to the SAS, the Pisces, you know what I'm saying? To the surfers, like, the hippies, and it's niggas, just different. It's just different. But it's like, we all understand how LA move, you know? And I think that was one of the best representations of Los Angeles is what I seen inside soul therapy. Seriously. You know what I'm saying? Now seeing like, again, like seeing like a certain age group and it's still being diverse. That's not nothing. That's not nothing crazy. That's just a younger crowd that's into the same type of music, right? That's how I look at that. But this wasn't it. This was, like I said, the age range varied, you know, but it seemed like it was dominated more by a much more mature crowd, older, mature crowd. And the. The young, the younger ones that was there, just understood the assignment, and I would love to go back, you know what I'm saying? Every so often, catch you. You know what I'm saying? Especially if it falls on a Saturday. So, you know, outside of, you know, again, niggas, you know, clicking up and stuff like that, we just. [00:28:47] Speaker B: Let the go. You think you gonna let the bae disrespect pocky? I thought she was from Dorsey. You think you gonna let the bay see? You think you go? You said no do. I took out the do. [00:29:03] Speaker A: Listen, listen, listen. Listen to me, please, just listen to me. [00:29:06] Speaker B: You think you go? You think you go? It's not. [00:29:14] Speaker A: You added another word. See what I'm saying? And I'm like I said, and I'm definitely gonna stick beside her. I am, man. It is what it is. I got to. I gotta stick beside her on that one. Yeah, man. Hey, the party. The party was phenomenal. The party was phenomenal, man. I like that. Now, how did we end the night? Nigga? We was tired. We was tired. Okay, we was. But we did get it. End up going swimming, took a dip in the pool, chill, went back to the crib, had some more. I was so inspired by the food that we bought at delicious pizzeria, right, that I came home and made. We had Alfredo. We made a chicken and shrimp Alfredo. It wasn't my best work, but it was still good. You know, I'm saying, I still get down. I still. I still get down in the kitchen. Uh, not for nothing, before I get up out of here, um, I'm a part time gamer again, man. I'm happy. I successfully launched the TCU on some bullshit in my online dynasty. Goldie's online dynasty, ballers union. Uh, in my personal dynasty, I. I'm still with the Arkansas state wolves or whatever the fuck they mascot is. In my third season, in my second season, I won a national championship. Unfucking believable. Shit is some. That's some shit that never happened in real life, but I made it happen. I beat Clemson, and that's it. I want to say before I get up out of here, hey, man, be more happy. Love yourself. Take care of yourself, and love somebody else. And take care of somebody else. And with that being said, another word. [00:31:12] Speaker B: Though, you think you go. Wait, tell me you think you go. Let the bay. You think you go. Let. [00:31:24] Speaker A: How did you get out of the third grade? Listen to me. Listen to me. [00:31:28] Speaker B: You think you go today? [00:31:31] Speaker A: You think you go. [00:31:33] Speaker B: You think you gonna let the bay. You think you go, Ron. Am I incorrect, though? Let's find this shit. If you think you gonna let the bay. Yo, I'm fucking crying. Do you think. No, it ain't no do. So. You think. You go. So tell me what it is. We got 64%. Is it? You think you gonna let the bae. [00:31:59] Speaker A: You think the bay gonna let you disrespect pack? [00:32:01] Speaker B: You think the bae. [00:32:02] Speaker A: You. You think the bae. [00:32:05] Speaker B: You think the bae? [00:32:06] Speaker A: Yes. [00:32:07] Speaker B: You think the bag don't let you disrespect pac, nigga. You think the bae? [00:32:11] Speaker A: Yes. [00:32:12] Speaker B: Oh, see, I got it. [00:32:13] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [00:32:15] Speaker B: You think the bag. You think you go. You think the bag. Oh, you think the bag. Oh, you think the baez.

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