Episode 360

August 22, 2024


It’s all subjective, right?

It’s all subjective, right?
BTG For President
It’s all subjective, right?

Aug 22 2024 | 01:10:20


Show Notes

BTG For President Episode #360

I found a plethora of random, yet interesting questions for this episode. I also had a listener's question as well. I got suspended from IG live for 24hrs. For doing absolutely nothing. lol

It’s all subjective, right? #B4P360

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:04] Somebody needs to do a song for LA. [00:00:13] Hello, my name is Elaine, and I'll be your tour guide through south central Los Angeles. Look, count my nose, smoker. I'm from California. Where you from? So what? I'm from California. California, California, California. This is Los Angeles. Where are we going? [00:00:33] I seen Bailey. Bailey BTG in the. In the gym today. I was shot. Do some chest workouts, nigga. Hey, chill out. [00:00:42] Let BTG get his exercise on a piece, yo. I ain't gonna lie, yo. That nigga leg was strong. [00:00:48] God damn. [00:00:51] I see you still got the pod going strong. Yeah. Nah, chopping over Bailey, man. Hey, man, like, stone is my guy. Glad to hear Anna's back, man. It's good to hear. Forget that, yo. That's one of my favorite podcasts. [00:01:06] It's one of my favorite podcasts, man. We get there. Y'all glad they back. Hopefully these niggas. You know how. Hey, these niggas will disappear in a minute, and Stone will throw that nigga in. Under. Under, under, under, under, under. I mean, but they'll do. [00:01:22] It's a mutual thing. They'll do that to each other. You know what I mean? [00:01:26] Those are my black republican friends at the end of the day, right? [00:01:33] Yeah, those are my guys right there, man. I don't know why niggas want to talk about me. Look, man, I'm happy. I'm happy, but we. [00:01:42] It's time, you know, been in and out of the gym. [00:01:46] It's all subjective, though, right? [00:01:49] I just wanted to say this. So this episode, this is probably going to be one of the weirdest episodes I have because I have a listener question. And then I had some questions that I seen, like, online that people were at were answering, and I just wanted to answer them in my version, you know what I mean? And then it was like some, like, a rant that I wanted to go on, but I forgot half of the shit that I was going. Well, one of the rants is, yo, look, I'm 41 years old, bro. All right? We're on the second half of the. We're in the second half of the year, right? [00:02:26] December is coming up. If y'all want to buy me something for my birthday, do that. I'm not sending you my cash app. If you got my number and you got Zelle, that. That'll work. [00:02:38] But just. I want you to send me a present, because why not? Fuck it. [00:02:43] But I'm 41. I'll be 42. [00:02:46] If you have my number or if you have one of my social media handlers. [00:02:54] Whether that's Ig, Twitter, TikTok, those are the three that I use the most. [00:03:01] I can't find my MySpace login. Me and Britt was talking about that last week because we looking for some music that I made. There's some music out there that I have the music. Britt has the music. I got the music from Britt. And my God, I want to share some of this. I might share it at the end of the episode if I can remember, but it's God awful. [00:03:24] Back in the college years, we had a rap beef with some cast that we were really cool with, but, you know, just mimicking the rap game, being college kids. And it's bad. I mean, it's real, it's cringy, it's real bad. [00:03:47] It's worse than sexy red type of badness. But it's all content. It's fun. It's all subjective. Anyhow, getting back to my age and why it's important what I don't want anymore. Do not send me some. Don't. Do not send me videos of somebody getting shot. Do not send me somebody getting hit with a car, ran over. Do not send me a video of dead bodies. I don't want to see none of that. I don't. [00:04:16] I successfully do not want to see none of it. [00:04:21] If you think that's dope, you keep that shit over there. In yo yar, in you, in yo feed. Don't come fucking my feet up by showing me some graphic shit. I'm glad I G has stepped it up within what, the past year or so with the warning labels and shit like that. Because before it was just negative shit was. And you know what it is? If it's something major that caught, that went viral is going to be on the timeline eventually with all the timelines except for tick tock. Really don't play that. But what you know, Twitter is still a little bit more lenient than the rest of them. Ig will give you the warnings, but they will still be on your timeline. Some people will repost it or post it and before it gets taken down. If ig don't find it fast enough, then the creep up on your timeline like that, depending on who you follow. We don't all follow saints. We don't. We. There's a lot of people that you follow on these ig, on his IG, and they be having some weird shit going on with them. [00:05:29] You follow some weird people. [00:05:32] It is what it is. But you have the power to delete, block, whatever the case may be. So you don't have to do. And you really can control your timeline. You really can. Now, it might not be as entertaining as it used to be, but you can definitely control what's on your feet. [00:05:51] But we know how filthy you are, because your algorithms will tell us. But I'm just saying, out of respect, if you know me, don't send that. I don't want to see that. Like, if you have a fascination with death, that's cool. I don't. [00:06:06] I really don't. Or at least I don't like seeing it. You know, I could. I could tell the difference between death in a movie and death in real life, okay? So please don't bring that comparison up. And please don't be that stupid to bring that comparison up, okay? Because I'm a scary movie fanatic, and there's certain scary movies that I just don't want to get down with. So. Nah, I don't want to see none of that shit. I don't care that you feel like you got to it first and you think I missed it and you want to send it to my DM. No, don't do that. Before you think about sending that to my DM, don't. Okay? Respectfully, don't do that. And if you do, you probably will never know if I blocked you or not. I don't know how to whole block thing. Cause I've never gotten used to blocking people, but now I can see how valuable it is. Cause it's just blocking people off of just stupidity. I've never blocked anybody off of arguments or disagreements or anything like that. You can disagree and have arguments all day and every day. I don't have arguments with people online anyway to begin with. [00:07:13] But I definitely don't want you send me that bullshit, okay? Just because you have a fascination with death or you want to be cool and send me some shit that you think I might be interested. I'm not interested in seeing none of that shit. And I'm tired of seeing, like, the whole dating clips. Like, I'm tired of seeing motherfuckers who still haven't figured it out. Okay? The balloon popping thing was. Was cool for a bit. It was new, but it's died and has died out fast. They even making. They have, uh. They making fun of it. Um. I don't care about it. You know what I'm saying? Some of them are dope. I like the positive ones. Uh, but those are very few. I think I'm out of all the ones that I've seen. I may have seen, like, two dope video. All the rest of them niggas was just fishing for attention. Okay, the parodies are cool, but as far as, like, the ones that people, you can tell that they're fishing for to go viral. I'm cool on that one. I'm definitely cool on that one. [00:08:20] Let's get to it. So there was a shout out to my shout out to the home girl from. From Detroit, from the D pause. She had a question regarding big Sean and KDot. I probably saved that to the end. [00:08:38] She sent me a question. This was probably maybe about a week and a half, maybe two weeks ago. But I already had. I already had shows lined up that needed to come out. So I wouldn't necessarily say this is dated. I mean, the big Sean interview did happen about two weeks ago with Charlamagne. But the question that she asked Washington, it was in the interview, but it's something that could. It's not a dated question. I put it to you like that. But we'll say that because that one is, you know, I'm adding. I'm add a little bit more than the questions that. That I'm going to go over, but here we go. This is my subjective anyway, right? So the first question is, man over 30, why some of y'all don't be happy. And I'm going to read it verbatim. So if this shit sound super ebonics and ghetto, nigga, that's just how they wrote it. All right. I'm not about to fix this shit mid sentence. Men are mid question. Men over 30. Why some of y'all don't be having full beards? Well, as a person who can't. Who can't grow a full beard, I don't know. That's genetics, I guess. My nigga, I tried. I used to cast the castor oil, whatever the case may be, I've tried that. I tried that last year. I got the Anthony Hamilton shit going on right now where it's just spotted and it looked like. I don't. Take care. [00:10:08] I look like one of those earthy dudes, you know, I did cut my hair, and it's growing back, and I'm gonna do it all over again. [00:10:15] But I just say, you know, I kinda like to look personally myself. I don't. I don't know if other people like it. [00:10:23] I definitely don't care for the people like it. My wife hasn't complained about it, so I'm a rock it until I feel like cutting it off. But no, I cannot grow it. There's a lot of men over 30 and over 40 that cannot successfully grow a beard. And that's just because they, them glands is not working on their face. That's just what it is. And I'm not. I'm not that person that wants a beer so bad that I'm gonna get a fake one. [00:10:51] I'm not gonna do that. Cause I ain't gonna even lie to you. I don't even know if I would really want a beard to keep the maintenance up on it, cuz. To do that, you will have to be used to it. And I have plenty of friends who have a beard who have kept their beards. If shout out to Drake, Drake has a good, healthy beard. You know what I'm saying? [00:11:11] The stories that I've heard about the maintenance and stuff like that, it seems like you will get used to it at some point. But as a person that has never grown a full beard, I don't know if I want those issues, you know I'm saying? But, hey, for the niggas that can salute to y'all, you know, and the ones who really got the, the healthy ones, a lot of them don't have hair up top. And, you know, so you gotta ask them, like, like would say, would they want to trade? Would you want hair up top still or would you, or you still want to rock the beard? And they probably say they want to go bald. I mean, that, that bald beard connect combo, man, the women is digging that, so they winning. You know what I'm saying? So I'm the only nigga over here that I got a desert chin. [00:12:10] I ain't tripping. Check this out. I can't. I can't. So, you know, that's my, that's my answer. I just, I never could grow one. Next one. What job screams? I mean, oh, that's easy if you work at the post office or if you're a bus driver. [00:12:28] Those two right there mean bill collectors, the people who call to refinance houses. Them niggas is mean, too. What they turn to be mean in the beginning, they're super, super nice. But when you start hitting them with facts, or you start hitting them with the, you know, don't want to be bothered type attitude, and some people will even reach for, like, yo, what's, what's the reason? Like, it sounds like you're not fully educated on what I'm telling you, so what's the reason why you wouldn't want me to come and make an appointment and come over here and try to get you more money for your refinance. Them niggas get mad. [00:13:12] Them niggas get mad. Oh, and scammers, too. [00:13:16] Scammers. Scamming is a job. Them niggas get mad. When you figure out they scam. Yeah, them niggas get real mad. They'll hang up all kind of shit. Yeah, they get upset, but definitely. [00:13:27] Oh, yeah, post office. We can't forget the post office and the DMV. Let them motherfuckers fight each other. [00:13:36] Them niggas is super mean. [00:13:39] Cashier is just about. Just about anywhere where they have high volume and is ghetto. [00:13:46] Them niggas is gone. Trust me. I didn't. Well, not even just a ghetto. Like, I've been to some post office where. And I do not want to tell you the race. I'm sorry, I can't. [00:13:57] I'm not gonna do that. But there are people that just. And I get it, though, because some of these jobs land. These people come in here and they feel like they have, you know, the privilege to talk to you and act a certain way, and they just fully don't understand how to ship a package. But then there's people that come in there and they're clueless on what to do, and they just need the information. [00:14:24] But because that particular employee has been dealing with assholes all day, they think every customer that come in there is gonna be on some bullshit. So. Yeah. Or a lost package. Don't let it be a lost package. [00:14:40] Don't let it be that. Yeah. DMV, post office. Next one. Things a guy will say when he isn't interested in a girl. That's easy. I'm. I'm. I'm working on myself. [00:14:53] I'm working on myself. Or I'll lie and say I have a girlfriend. [00:15:00] Yeah. And it also depends on the age, though. Like, at this age, if I was single, then I'll just say, I'm not interested. Not my type. It's not even about hurting feelings or not trying to hurt feelings. It's the truth. You know, you can't control how somebody takes your answer or reply. [00:15:21] You just say, now I will say this. You can control how you say it. Just like this goes back to the whole popping the balloon shit. It's not. You could pop the balloon and still be cordial, still be nice or whatever. You don't have to seek out that 15 minutes of fame by being an asshole and saying, because of the nigga shoes or because of how she walked up or what, you know, what type of shirt, what was on her shirt. [00:15:48] She had a little bit of dirt on her shoes. Whatever. The case was stupid shit that they come up with for popping a balloons. So, no, just, you know, just keep it. Just keep it real. But we wasn't keeping her real when we was younger. We were, you know, if. If the homeboys was. Was, you know, on that bullshit and playing around and ran up on a group of girls and went to the least attractive one and pointed or whatever, you know, what we were all doing. We'll turn around, act like we wasn't paying attention, walk away, answer our phone. Nobody called us. Check our pager. Ain't no battery and shit. Say low sale, like you know what it is, but now you just gotta keep it real. And when you get approached by. For the men, you get approached by a woman that's not attractive to you. I mean, you don't have to be an asshole, just like the women. And women, they gotta approach it in a different way because, you know, they have to worry about a lot of shit that we don't necessarily have to worry about. You know, you. They get turned down. I mean. I mean, they turn somebody down, they got to worry about getting cussed at even, or even physically attacked, you know, in some cases, not all women and not all the time, but that do be the case, you know what I'm saying? As far as men, I don't hear too many stories of them turning down women and they getting violent unless they were already with those women. Yeah, baby mama or some shit like that. You tell her no, she might. She might start to fade with you. But if this is just a stranger or something like that now. [00:17:29] So a lot of women, you know, they don't take regret. That's why they don't approach as often, because rejection is a motherfucker. There's a video that I sent out to DM's today, and it was so funny. I sent it through text messages too, of this guy playing the piano. And there were a lot of. There was just a lot of people in general, it wasn't just women, but I paid attention to the women part because he always said the same thing. So they would come up to him asking him to play certain songs. All of these people, either they was coming up to him asking him if he could play certain songs or maybe even give him a compliment. Who knows? But he would. With most of the women, he would say, no, I'm sorry, I have a girlfriend. [00:18:17] He has a. He. He has his camera towards them. You got to see the reaction, though. And the way they, the way they reacted was like, it was like, it was, it was shocking to them that he said is not because they were trying to come up there and flirt with him or, or anything like that or even felt like he was attractive. It, they just felt, they finally felt that rejection. It was just a rejection in it, you know what I'm saying? They didn't get rejected because they wanted to talk to him. They got rejected. It was just a rejection, and they didn't receive it well. So again, it's just, it's just how you say it, though, man. Like, you don't have to be disrespectful, but if I'm not interested in a girl, and I don't want to be disrespectful, but I'm not there yet to tell the truth, I just lie and just say, no, I got a girl. [00:19:13] That's it. [00:19:15] And then you gotta go through, you know, if she's, you know, persistent, then you just gotta, you just gotta play the game after that. [00:19:25] Next one, what tastes really good with some garlic bread? Oh, that's the eating. The number one. The number one plate to go with some goddamn garlic bread will always be spaghetti, nigga. Spaghetti. Then after that, you can do chicken or shrimp Alfredo. [00:19:44] Lasagna. Yeah, man, it's. Come on, dog, stop playing, man. Garlic bread. And for all you freaky ass nigga, 69 guys, nigga, the garlic bread. Cheese toast. [00:19:59] Yeah. So turn that. Flip that upside down if you want to, but now it always be spaghetti. Always be spaghetti. I like that one. That's the best question so far. Next one. How do you deal with people who don't like you for no apparent reason? [00:20:15] I don't know. I don't know people who don't like me for no apparent reason. I don't know anybody personally that don't like me for no apparent reason. [00:20:26] I may know some people who don't like me for a reason, and the only reason why I can come up with is maybe I have a dominant personality or, I don't know. [00:20:43] Listen, if my personality comes off arrogant or cocky, sometimes it is not fully true. [00:20:54] Sometimes it's just the way I talk. It's hard to explain, but, I mean, that's. With anybody. You know what I'm saying? If we was to get into a debate, a friendly debate, and I could hold my own real good, and, I don't know. [00:21:15] I don't. I guess some people get offended by it sometimes. I mean, people get offended every day by your personal stance and what you saying shit like that. [00:21:26] And some people, I can feel a hate and I can. [00:21:29] Here's the better question. How do I deal with people who smile in my face, who want to see me fail secretly? That's the one. That's the question. But, you know, people that I. That don't like me for no apparent reason, I honestly don't know who that is. I don't. [00:21:52] I don't be around. I don't think I'd be around a lot of people for that to even, even happen, to tell you the truth. Um. I have heard some, uh. [00:22:05] I have heard some things or whatever, but I'm not even sure what would be the logical reason for them to. Well, I guess that's the point of the question. [00:22:15] I guess that's the point of the question. But no, I really couldn't. That's a. That's. That's a good question, but I don't know if I could actually answer that one. Uh, let's see. What's the next one? Is it wrong to charge your kids rent if they live with you in their twenties? [00:22:32] No, not really. It's not. [00:22:37] If you don't. If you one of those parents that broke the curse of believing that as soon as your kid turns 18, they need to get out. That was always a stupid move right there, but whatever. [00:22:52] Um. [00:22:54] Shit. No, they gotta learn. I mean, eventually, Nikki. Yo, kids gotta go out to this world. This world don't care nothing about them from the day they born today to the day that they're released to the world. And for most of us, that's 18. Whether they not, whether or not they stay home at the nest or not, they still have to go out into this world. [00:23:19] They have to learn how to operate in this world. They need to know the basic things. And the basic things is paying rent, paying bills, going to work, getting there on time, being consistent. So maybe you shouldn't charge them the full amount. Like, if your rent, let's just say your rent is 3200, you don't charge your child 3200 in rent. No, I mean, tell them, hey, man, if they got a full time job, and I'm saying if they have a full time job and they holding it down, work with them. You know what I'm saying? $500 for rent and take a bill or two. You know what I'm saying? Because, look, when you look at it the other way, you could be in your own spot. Nine times out of ten, you're going to have a roommate or two to cover that. 32 or if you can find a cheaper place nowadays, dog shit, nowadays it's 1500. Paying 1500, that's. That's gonna be paying for a room. So you shouldn't be bitching about no five, six, $700. I'm asking you for rent. Especially when you know there's going to be a roof over your head. You know what I'm saying? So now you got to teach your kid how to be independent, even though they're dependent on the place that they're in. You know, get their feet wet. [00:24:55] Get their feet wet. But no, I mean, you know, it's not like you're going to be the landlord from hell. [00:25:00] Nothing like that. But, yeah. Teaching motherfuckers the basic needs of life. Speaking of basic, what's a basic life skill that shocks you that not everyone know shit? Cooking like, I mean, I hate to, and maybe this is what people hate me about, that I don't know. [00:25:21] I learned how to cook when I was two years old. Now you might say, bailey, that's cap. Well, shut up, nigga. Let me explain. [00:25:30] I was too young to remember, but I got the same story from three different people. My mom, my grandmother, my brother, my older brother. At the age of two, I somehow successfully got onto the counter, got the oatmeal, a pot, took that to the sink, poured the oatmeal in the pot, and ran some water in it. [00:26:02] That was my first time trying to make some oatmeal. [00:26:06] And this is why I like hot cereal to this day. So whenever, whoever, my mom must have gave me that cream of weed malted meal oatmeal, and I said, this shit is fire. [00:26:19] I need to make this on my. Instead of waiting, let me see if I can cook this shit up. I wanted to make the dope myself, nigga. [00:26:27] I didn't want the middleman. [00:26:29] I did not. [00:26:31] When Frank Lucas went out the country, that nigga got on that raft himself and wanted to go see how pure that dope was. [00:26:42] Me, too. [00:26:44] I want to know how to cook up this yola. [00:26:47] And I've been cooking ever since. So that's one. That's a, that's a basic skill that a lot of people don't have, especially in this damn generation. These motherfuckers don't know how to cook at all. They motherfuckers want to get food out and eat some of the finest food. [00:27:04] These niggas are not even. These n know how to make top ramen. [00:27:09] That's crazy. When top ramen used to be $0.25, man, niggas, used to eat good ghetto, high blood pressure. That sodium was kicking our ass. Kicking our ass today. But if you can't cook, I can't help you. I'm not judging, but I am, because it's like, nigga, you got to take care of yourself. And if you got kids, what the fuck? Learn. And it's really, cooking is not that difficult. It only gets difficult when you're trying to do some fancy shit. [00:27:47] It costs is expensive. And you got to know how to cut. You know how to measure certain things. But it's some shit that you don't have to do all that. If you can't cook some basic shit. Like, again, if you don't have to make some cheese toast or grilled cheese. What a hot. I say both. Well, technically, grilled cheese and cheese toast might be a little bit different. If you niggas used to put y'all. [00:28:12] If you niggas used to put that bread at the. At the bottom of the oven with the cheese on top, sometimes you think you used to forget to. And it used to come back, and that cheese was burned on the outside, though. They used to bubble up and used to tear that part off because you didn't want to waste the cheese. [00:28:33] But that's, that's. That's a cheese toast. But grilled cheese is when you put that motherfucker in the pan or on the. Whatever was flat or whatever, you know how they smash it up. Grilled cheese, my nigga, if you don't know how to do that, I don't know what to say. Some of the basic sugar is like, and then, let alone cooking, do y'all know how to clean y'all food? Do y'all clean y'all rice? Do y'all clean y'all chicken? Y'all clean y'all vegetables, y'all clean shit. And before you cook it, do you know how to season? Oh, seasoning. Don't put. Have you ever had too much season on. On the meat? Pause if needed. [00:29:16] Oh, man. Over season, tacos is the worst overseas, and chicken is the worst overseas, and anything is bad. I rather you. I'd rather you not had that much seasoning in it, because now know how to work with it. I could. I could. I could. I could move some things around. [00:29:35] You know what I'm saying? And in some cases, if there's not enough seasoning to go around, depending on what the food is, I can mask it with some barbecue or some hot sauce or some shit like that. But never have too much, though, when you have too much. It just is too much to deal with. [00:29:53] It's too much to deal with. But, but, yeah. Yeah. At least you got to know how to cook. At least you got to know how to cook. All right, this is the last one before we get to shout out to new shit. Is it new shit or no shit? We always got it confused. But that's a homegirl from Detroit, man. [00:30:14] Okay, here's the last one before I get to hers. What screams we won't last in a relationship shit, domestic violence, basically, if you motherfuckers is not getting along, like, and then it turns physical. Hey, you gotta ask yourself, like. [00:30:34] Like, before you get into a relationship, what is the idea of a relationship to you? Some of this shit ain't that difficult for you. Single niggas out there complaining, it's really not that fucking difficult. Know what you want? Like, pick some shit off of a fucking television. Yes, television. It could, it is fake. It's a lot of acting storylines, plots and shit like that. Nigga ain't too far away from reality, though. You know, you want to wake up to a good person. You know, you want to wake up to a good person in a dope environment, a house, a dope condo apartment, whatever the case may be, all that shit you could be able to. You could have. [00:31:16] It's called standards, bitch. [00:31:20] You know what I mean? Now you got to go and find that person. [00:31:24] But, my nigga, a lot of this shit is attainable. A lot of this shit is attainable without a relationship. You just need the person. [00:31:32] You know what I'm saying? But as soon. As. Soon as y'all get into a WWE situation, that's not it. And there's other things that people will say about a relationship and shit like that, but I think the no brainer. I think the no brainer is if y'all hit on each other, niggas don't want. Niggas don't want you hitting on each other and shit like that. [00:31:56] All right, so let's get to it so we can close this out. [00:32:01] So this is from the go. From the home girl from Detroit. [00:32:07] I like to say new shit the way it's spelled out, but it could be no shit. And she gonna let me know. But long time. This was one of my long time listeners. Like, day one, first quarter, or whatever, but this is the question. I'm gonna read it, I'm gonna read it, I'm gonna read it, I'm gonna read it, I'm gonna read it. And this is pertaining the big Sean interview, but she has some questions and she wanted me to clarify. So here I am. Bear with me. Says, okay, the question I have and the thoughts I seek are related to the part of Charlemagne and Big Sean's conversation about KDOT as as well your thoughts on the points academics made. So our mate made. So academics in a reaction off of Charlemagne's a big Sean interview. Hopefully you have the patience for AG. I do. I've checked out his content ever since the battle between K dynam and Drake. I'm not a. I have seen a certain videos and clips of him since then, but I don't, you know, it's not like I indulge in it, but I can tolerate it. I know most people with good sense don't, but I have only recently discovered him and find him funny and sometimes when serious, makes valid points. [00:33:33] I agree he can't make some valid points at times. [00:33:37] If you can tolerate the first ten minutes, I love to know if you agree or disagree with the alleged KDOT game, but it gets better if you continue. 13 minutes in classic la nigga. This is in quotation, classic la nigga who will snake you. [00:33:55] Is that an accurate description? So what she's saying, what she's referencing is academics, Washington basically saying, like, academics job is to protect Drake's image at all costs. It's hard to do that when there's a lot of things that goes against his character footage. And for certain, I don't know, there's things out there that makes Drake's image look kind of sketchy. Hence the battle or whatever. But this was pertaining to Drake and KDI being cool at one point, and academics saying that at one point KDI was cool with Drake, but it seemed like he really didn't fuck with him. [00:34:53] So he kind of like, said, like, kdai was a snake. Like he snaked him. Like turned his back on him or some shit. Like something like that. [00:35:06] Now, if is the question accurate about KDOT, I'll answer for both. Is accurate for KDOT, and is it accurate for a typical la neg? The short answer is, I don't know Kendrick personally. Okay. All I know about Kendrick is his career rapid. What I see in here in the interviews, and the outcome of this whole beef between him and Drake, and even the timeline between him and Drake. [00:35:39] But I will say this. Anybody could be that particular type of snake. Whatever academic is talking about anywhere, it's not an la type of. We don't have a certain la, doesn't have a certain style to snake a nigga. [00:35:55] If a la nigga was to quote, unquote snake, you a nigger from Brooklyn, a nigger from Houston, a nigger from Detroit, a nigger from Miami, a nigger from Connecticut can do the same exact thing, just with a different accent. [00:36:11] You know what I mean? So there's not a la style type of snaking. [00:36:18] But let's continue. [00:36:21] This is an accurate description, though. May. I may be naive because I don't know k dot music outside of the radio. That's crazy. [00:36:32] I never. Well, that's not crazy. I will say this. [00:36:35] I recently learned that people really stick to what they stick to, and they're not as open to listening to certain artists or a lot of artists as much as I am. So I wouldn't say that's crazy. I take that back. [00:36:53] I never heard that this is being mentioned, and it makes him look like he's some real hater. [00:37:00] Has some real hater blood in him. Oh, well, look. Well, in that case, let me put you up on game. This has been civil war, sneak, diss, and subliminals for as long as the Marvel universe has been here. All right? So, yeah, both of them. And if I had to be honest with you, both of them do it very well. And maybe Drake hides his. Well, I ain't gonna say hides his. Maybe his is a little bit more. [00:37:38] Both of them do it well, you know, I'm saying you will really have to pay attention to the timeline to understand the back and forth, but this. Trust me when I say this. This is not lopsided. And I don't want to mess up your YouTube algorithm, but is. The information is out there. The timeline is out there. Everything that you need to know is on YouTube. [00:38:02] Continues to say, I don't. I don't think Sean deserved a smoke in the league. This act plays at 36 30. Okay, so there are. [00:38:12] We'll get to that in a minute. Do you think that that abrasive as this was justified simply from. From Sean saying niggas rapping fast? [00:38:25] Sean dropped a track that got stepped over and said that niggas are niggas, that Raph hasn't looking for attention. He said something, but he also said in an interview that he wasn't talking about K Doddhead, and he was surprised that people didn't think that he was talking about Eminem, which was dumb. Let me just say that. No shit. New shit. No shit. [00:38:48] This interview with Big Sean. Big Sean made itself look real bad in this interview. I understand. That's one of. He's Detroiter if I'm not mistaken. I thought, I think. [00:38:59] I don't know. I have to do my. I'd have to do more research. If I'm not mistaken, big Sean was born in Ladenhouse. We're not about to get into that. [00:39:08] I understand that big Sean is. Is a Detroiter, all right? And he's one of the top Detroit artists out there. I don't know where y'all have him ranked. [00:39:18] That's your personal business. That's your backyard. He's a Detroit artist. [00:39:23] Y'all do whatever y'all do. But he made himself look real bad in his interview. Not bad to the point where niggas should have to do a think piece on it. It's just that there were some contradictions in there, and it was some things that he just didn't even have to address. He exposed, or quote unquote exposed text messages that niggas did not care about. Only niggas that cared about. What was said in those text messages was nigga that made content on YouTube. [00:39:53] Here we go. [00:39:55] Do you think. [00:39:57] What is saying niggas? Okay. Kate sliced him up so bad, I'm offended. Okay. As you should be, because that's, you know, obviously, big Shine is one of. One of your favorite rappers. For the record. I declare Drake. [00:40:14] I declare Drake a bitch nigga forever after he took unnecessary shots at Sean. And I'm on. I'm on one. [00:40:25] So this isn't fandom, but is KDot a bully, too? [00:40:33] I'll get to the bully thing in a minute. I don't. I don't believe, because I don't believe in bullying, in rap, in hip hop. But do this nigga make chart topping ways without going at people? Yeah. Yes. He already has songs that chart it without beefing again. I hope you can tolerate act as much as 30 minutes. He gets goofy, but has an interesting rant at the 31 25 mark. All in all, I love to hear. To hear your thoughts on the situation being discussed between KD and Sean and if AC is tripping or accurate. [00:41:18] Let's see. [00:41:20] So here's two things. [00:41:23] What I've learned this year from KDOT is if you think you're a hater, you could hate more. All right? And then the other thing is, just because you don't like another person or like their staff, whatever the case may be, it don't. It's not necessarily hating. [00:41:42] And if you want to call it hate, it's not a bad hate if niggas don't like you, nigga. I just TOld you, I don't know people that dislike me for no ReAson, and that's on them. N. I don't care. That shit don't offend me. It doesn't affect me. [00:41:58] Big Sean has said that in his interviews, but he's saying it in his interviews, every interview. [00:42:06] Here's the thing. [00:42:08] When k dot said I believe n with the west coast, I believe niggas don't like the west coast. And we Fine with it. We truly are. For the most part, some cats on the west coast do get offended, uh, feelings get hurt, etc. Blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever. Niggas is all human, right? I could point out certain artists that get offended by some of the smallest shit. But for the most part, everywhere, there's a lot of people that don't get offended by some of this shit. This is all Internet stuff. There's more fans offended by what drake has Said, what big shine has Said, what kdot has said and so on. Nigga, we don't care. And as far as the bullying aspect, what is a bully in hip hop? If you had to sit down with yourself and ask yourself, what is a bully? [00:42:58] Right? You know what a bully is in the real world. But what is bullying in hip hop? Because to say that k dot picks on niggas for no reason. [00:43:09] Them niggas, they respond to it or they throw subliminals, right? [00:43:16] I be damned if I allow y'all niggas to say kDoT was bullying drake and then big Sean is just, hey, look, for whatever reason, I can honestly tell you this. Hey, that nigga kdot probably really don't like big Sean. That's between now, you know what I'm saying? Whatever personal relationship them niggas have, that's on them. I don't care about none of these n personal relationships in hip hop. Clearly this nigga kdot never did like Drake or at one point did, and then found out that this is not the nigga that I'm gonna be cool with. And that's fine. I'm cool with that. [00:43:54] It's the fan bases that's mad that everybody's not a drake fan. I'm not. I mean, I like some of Drake's music, but I'm not. Never been to a concert and I don't think I will ever go to a Drake's concert. It's not fully for me for so many reasons. Just like I have to be comfortable and okay with niggas saying I don't listen to KDOT. KDOT makes these weird voices. KDot music just don't hit like Drake's kdot music don't make me dance. Hey, that's on them. [00:44:28] That's on them. I can't make them niggas like the type of music I like. You know what I'm saying? That's what I see. Niggas make content going against artists, athletes every day. They have these weird, sometimes intelligent, dope, creative yet stupid think pieces on these celebrities that these niggas that they'll never meet and then get into it with a fan base and make content off of that. [00:45:05] I listen to niggas podcast. They shit on niggas every day for. And then post it on YouTube or TikTok, wherever they can post their visuals just for the reactions, you know what I'm saying? So, like, that's. That's a part of the game. [00:45:22] That's literally a part of the game. Is that niggas gonna sit up there? They the revenue drawn in from this battle alone. That's all niggas was talking about is KDOT and Drake. Nigga, I ate off of that reaction videos, you know what I'm saying? But look, we live in a different world now. There's a lot of hypocrisy, you know what I'm saying? It's a softer world, so I can get where. I'm not saying that this pertains to you. No shit. [00:45:54] But when you say, is he a bully? What the fuck is a bully in hip hop? What is that? [00:46:02] There was no bully. There was no bully words coming up when Pac was going at the east coast, there was no bullying when Nas dropped ether, there was no bullying when Jay dropped super ugly. [00:46:18] Like, it was none of that, nigga. It was just hip hop competitive beef. That was it. It wasn't until Drake popped up and tried to change the rules of hip hop after what happened between him and Pusha t, where he said he went too low with this and that nigga, where there was never a too low. Yeah, there's unwritten rules. Let's lead the family up out of this. Let's leave the kids and nigga park. He bypassed all of that. [00:46:48] And that's one of the top diss tracks of all. It doesn't matter. Like, there's niggas in New York that probably got hit him up up there. They don't have a number one. They have to acknowledge it. [00:47:00] You know what I'm saying? You know why a lot of niggas from the east coast, I have no vaseline up there? Because it ain't going on. It ain't going at nobody on the east coast. [00:47:10] They, okay, we'll put that one up there. It's hard, and it's a lot of n from the east coast that don't want to fuck with ether because it went at who jay and undeniably won because of that track. So it's like. But niggas ain't talking about no bullying, no cyberbullying, no, none of that bullying shit. Don't fly over here if you feel like niggas is getting bullied in hip hop, my nigga. I don't. I don't know what to say. I do not. And then I don't know how you could bully a nigga that responds. That's not bullying, nigga. That's called a battle. [00:47:47] You know what I'm saying? You just happen to lose the battle. It's not really a big deal. It's only a big deal because his fan base has been eaten off his career for the past 15 years. [00:48:00] And they man's got his armor chipped up twice. [00:48:05] If his two niggas in a rap game that k. I mean, that Aubrey should just leave alone is the two niggas that he went against. [00:48:13] Well, he went against other cast, but obviously they wasn't. You know, he won some battles. He won. He won more battles than he lost. He beat me. He smacked around common. I don't think he could. In all honesty, if the niggas had a seven game series, I don't think he could fuck with common either. [00:48:33] But, you know, he picked on a lot of niggas that he knew how to pick on. I think his ego got in his way when it came to push the t. I think his ego got in his way when he came to kdot, and then that's it, bro. You live and you learn. You lost. That's it. Now, big Sean, I'm gonna be as respectful as I can when I say this. No shit. [00:48:54] Them niggas treat big shine like the little brother that they. They don't want this nigga to go to the park with them. They don't want this nigga to go to the store with them. That's how they treat him. It's not that he not talented the nigga, correct, obviously. [00:49:11] But, hey, I got a deal with niggas saying they don't fuck with KDOT because of the voices and shit, whatever excuse they use. That's the same thing with me, though, Kate. This nigga, big shine, the way he sounds, it don't it's? Not convincing to me, you know what I'm saying? Doesn't matter what the topic is, but the nigga can rap, though. That's the crazy part. The nigga got bars, you know that cypher. But that Detroit cipher was. That was it. He got a song with Nip, you know what I'm saying? And in the interview, he discussed on, you know, his, his depression, his relationships and shit like that. The nigga never really had time to step in any type of beefs, and he just didn't do it right. You know what I'm saying? Let me tell you, let me tell you how soft the game is. When the nigga, when the nigga Kdi dropped the control verse, wasn't nothing disrespectful about that verse. It was a very competitive PC diss to everybody. And guess what? Niggas responded. A lot more niggas respond, and they responded through battle. That was it. KDI just happened to ignore them niggas because he was just trying to call out the obvious niggas, the obvious person, really. He just wanted, he just wanted Aubrey. [00:50:40] And then since then, it was just back and forth of subliminals and shit like that. And pusha t just happened to bump into the nigga first. [00:50:50] But if you really, if you really pay attention to it, wasn't nothing bullyish about it. Everybody responded, including Big Sean. Big Sean has been trying to get Kate out outside for the longest, but guess what? I'm sorry to say this. [00:51:05] Take it how you want to take it. He doesn't find him as a worthy competitor. He just don't. [00:51:11] Now, if you want the reasons why my nigga, you will have to ask KDoT himself. Cause Big Sean don't have the answers, and he wants that fade. And you know what? I wouldn't even be mad if Big Sean wanted it just for the, just for the attention. I honestly don't believe that, though. I honestly believe Big Sean just wanted a healthy fade or whatever. But guess what, Kate? I don't fuck with that nigga like that. He just don't. [00:51:40] The closest, the, the closest relationship, Kate, I got with any of them niggas is with, man. It's only one nigga that I think KDOT actually respects, and he might even respect Drake's career, but I just don't think he respect Drake the person, the Mandev, you know what I'm saying? But then again, you would have to ask that nigga. But I think the closest relationship is him and J. Cole. [00:52:09] That's why J. Cole backed out. I mean, we gonna have our fun, cuz it still look crazy that you quit because you dropped a diss track before you quit. But at the end of the day, it was. It was a move he had to make. Nick, I'm getting out the way. We already know what this is. [00:52:27] You and this nigga was supposed to fight a long time ago is here. This is the Pacquiao Mayweather fight. This shit was supposed to happen a long time ago. Let me get out the way. And there's nothing personal. There's no personal beef. And I lied. [00:52:40] He said it. [00:52:42] So again, we gonna have the jokes. You gonna get the jokes. You punked out, you scared yada, yada, yada. But at the end of the day, the truth is I don't have the same type of smoke that you niggas have for each other. So let me get out of the way. And for not. Not for nothing, nigga, we already real niggas know Drake kind of used J. Cole. J. Cole got used to, you know, stir up some shit with KDOT. [00:53:09] And Drake just thought that it was going to be quiet because on first person shooter, the shots was thrown. [00:53:14] It's just that nobody really, for one, nobody really caught it because nobody was talking about it. And two, the shots wasn't so deadly to where you thought Kendrick was going to respond immediately. Because he didn't respond immediately. He responded when he wanted to because he had all this shit mapped out and planned out. [00:53:36] So if y'all want to go through the whole beef again, y'all can go through that. But it was very calculated. But at the end of the day, no shit. Like Big Sean was. Was supposed to be mentioned in the big three. It was supposed to be the big four. [00:53:52] He got disrespected by Charlamagne, by Charlemagne, saying, I have a big four, but you're not in it. It was future. [00:54:00] It's not even big. It's not even Big Sean's fault, though. Like, future just make a different type of wave of music that niggas was fucking with. So they got him up there and he just so happened to be connected with Drake at the time. So it's hard for you to take. [00:54:15] It's hard for niggas to put big Sean over future, but they wanted big Sean there. [00:54:22] It's just the nigga. It's not that he's not good. I don't know what it is, dog. The niggas not convincing enough. The nigga big Sean raps like he gets picked on by those niggas it sounds like that y'all gonna set to send another Detroit nigga over there? Y'all gonna have to send the white boy somebody. But not big Sean. Cause Big Sean, the nigga said in the interview he got some other shit to worry about. He just wanted to be in that. Does he deserve to be in it? I guess so. I don't. If you think about it, though, put your fanship aside. Let the nigga big sean get into that ring. [00:55:03] Out of those three, who's that nigga beating? [00:55:07] I think he'll have a competitive fight with J Cole. Because J. Cole is just a natural, good nigga. Cool nigga. I don't think he did. A lot of people don't believe J. Cole is going to rip a nigga head off anyway. [00:55:19] The distraction that he had towards KDOT, that was like, all right, cool, all right. But it wasn't with no venom to it. [00:55:29] Cause the nigga came back and apologized and told the truth anyway. What we already knew when that's a better faith for him. Drake is going to try to disrespect big Sean in the worst way. [00:55:42] And you've already said that. That's why you say you don't fuck with Drake. So you're trying to figure out why KDoT is doing the same thing. Yo, let's just put it like this. No shit. That nigga k that probably really don't fuck with big Sean for whatever reason. [00:55:55] And it could be something so small as nigga. I just don't think you good enough to rap with me like that until you. Until you prove him wrong. Nigga, that's been in every sport. [00:56:05] Because hip hop is a sport. Battle rap is a sport. [00:56:10] Until you can prove that, that you better than me. Are you worthy of battling me? Nigga, I'm gonna treat you like this. And niggas don't know what. Niggas don't know what's being talked about behind. That's the number one thing I hear niggas caving for Drake talking about. I. They give this nigga Drake credit for going at multiple niggas. [00:56:31] What? [00:56:33] But nobody. Nobody thought about why these niggas is going at them all of a sudden. Then they want to bring up, oh, well, he's been running the game for so long. Niggas is getting tired of. Is it that because I heard it was about women. [00:56:48] Because you can still eat. Remember the Drake stimulus back. Here's the thing. This is what happens when niggas. [00:56:56] I don't know. I don't know, I don't want to go into a deep dive. I didn't want to bring up Drake like that, but he's involved in this. [00:57:06] Drake disrespected big Sean. You don't like him for that. K Dodd was called to snake nigger from Laden. If you feel like he's a snake for doing that, then that's your. [00:57:17] That's your opinion. Go ahead and have that one. I'll roll with you. Go ahead. Yeah, he snaked that nigga. At the end of the day, this is hip hop. That nigga lost. [00:57:28] And do I think Big Sean can, can hang with KDOT in the battle? I don't. You could do your best in trying to make me believe it all you want. I will never. Isn't that. I don't. I think. I think KDot will have a seven game series with Pusha T. I think. I think him and Jadakiss could go seven games. [00:57:52] Eminem definitely seven games. [00:57:58] Outside of that, I don't think nobody can beat that nigga. KD. [00:58:01] Something is wrong with him. Leave that nigga alone. Okay. Respectfully. [00:58:08] And this is probably goes back to that question, why a lot of people may not like me for no reason, though. This is the reason, because I'm convincingly saying no. I'm saying with a lot of confidence, no. Your favorite rapper cannot beat K dot in a rap battle. [00:58:26] The white boy will have a long day. The same white boy who may have lost a machine gun, all right. But I give him and him a lot of respect because I think has been in the rap game as I started listening to him in the early two thousands, 2000, to be exact. You know what I'm saying? So before that, when he was with that other group, I didn't hear those songs before that. So apparently he's been in a rap game since the late nineties. Mid to late nineties. [00:58:59] I'm not going to count that. I don't know if anybody want that career added to his career, but, you know, that's his origin story. But as far as a rabbe in a battle, no, I don't think so. I don't. I don't think it'd be a good window. That'd be the most. I think if KDOT and Eminem was to battle, that'd do more. That'd be bigger than the kdot versus Drake. [00:59:27] And we already know it. We don't. It. This doesn't seem personal at all, but it will be fun. It'll be fun because, you know, eminem gonna be animated and we have seen KDot be animated. This will be fun. The voices. Both of them niggas got voices. I fuck with it. Big Sean is not it. Don't know shit. I'm sorry. [00:59:47] I get it. There's people from you, from. From your section that you fuck with hometown. You gonna be biased. That's the same thing over here. And you got love for them, so you can't go against them. And you truly love them and you truly like them. I'm telling you right now, that nigga don't stand a chance against KDot at all. [01:00:07] It'll be a. It'd be a dope, dope little battle. Ain't nobody gonna pay attention. I put it to you like this. If them niggas was the battle right now, the only reason why they would pay attention to that battle is because KDOT is involved in it is not going to do the numbers that I think, for obvious reason, we know who Drake is. For obvious reasons, we know it's because of Drake. Drake is the biggest artist in the world. So that magnet to that made the beef or the battle that much bigger because of who Drake is and that he lost big shiny. No. Drake, that's like. [01:00:44] That's like fucking. [01:00:48] I don't know how to compare it. It's like another. It's just like one of the. Just pick a college team and playing against Bama, and Bama just happens to be the number one, two or three team in the nation, and that team beats Bama. [01:01:05] Then if that team end up playing a fucking, I don't know, Ohio State or Michigan, it's going to be a big game, but it's not going to be bigger than that Bama game that they wondezenhe. [01:01:20] Does that make. I hope that made that. I know niggas understand that one bama will always be Bama. Okay? [01:01:28] Now, I'm saying in this case, Bama was Drake. [01:01:32] Whatever team that you want to put KDOT as, it don't matter. He won. [01:01:37] But if you bring any other team outside of Bama is not going to get the numbers metal. I did say the Eminem ones. So maybe that might be. [01:01:47] I don't know. I don't know. You know what that might be? That might be, you know, Michigan. [01:01:55] But no, outside of that, dog, ain't nobody. Ain't nobody checking for Big Sean like that. We. Are we gonna still check for his music? Absolutely. But niggas is like, Kate, I said, niggas is paying attention to your relationship more than your music. [01:02:08] Everything he has done. It has seemed like everything got stepped on and it's fucking. [01:02:19] We gotta leave big shot along, big dog. Big Sean is dope, but. [01:02:26] I don't know. But that's the end. Oh. Before I get about it. So. No shit. I appreciate the question. I hope you don't stop being a listener for my criticism towards Big Sean. I can say I still fuck with Big Sean. Do I have his albums in my phone? No, but do I have songs? A big. Do I have songs from Big Shine in my phone? I do. Okay. I fuck with Big Shine. As a matter of fact. As a matter of fact. Look, before I get out of here, I got a story to tell, though. Before I get out of here, I gotta. I got to tell this story because I went to. I went to Ig J O. Recently, and I. And I felt some type. I felt some type of way. But look, I'm gonna. I'm gonna. Look, this is one of my favorite big Sean songs right here. Look. [01:03:12] Overtime. [01:03:15] I just been feeling like it'd be hard to clicking, you know, like it's all working out, and I'm about to work out. [01:03:26] Colossal B I g. Look. The universe first been throwing me all the signs except stop it. Niggas been plotting on me then he got the track with nil. [01:03:55] I'm a street legend black women with a deep reverence I was birthed in a c section harder than my demons this was hard, too, the way he started this off, though. Shit, though, I was like, all right, I can fuck with this. I know we gonna make it. If Mike will made it. Yeah, Mike will made it. We can make it. No more breaks, dog. It's time to break hearts. I don't take disrespect. I take chills. I'm in the mirror looking at a work of art. Hard work. This was solid, too. With Lil Wayne, they played this. [01:04:31] This was. [01:04:33] I think they played this during the pandemic, the NBA season. If that's the case, that athlete must be worth to his owners billions of dollars. [01:04:44] It's hard. [01:04:48] We know where that sample come from. Get into the paper like it's human nature. Goddamn. The motivator hater. And then, of course, this one. [01:04:59] It's hard. It's that clip sample. Hey, fuck that talk. And let the clip slam yellow bands around them. Honey. You know how much that is? Too much to give me cash. Y'all better seeing t grizzly. That's who y'all need to send. T grizzly. T grizzly hard. Before I get up out of here, I need y'all to answer this question, please. Please answer this question. [01:05:24] If I get in a car with two of my. With two people, and they commit a crime that I was unaware of, and I end up going to jail with them niggas, right? [01:05:44] We sitting in jail, we all get our bunks, I go to sleep. I wake up the next morning, I get a message. [01:05:55] Both of the niggas that I was in jail with is out on bail, fresh out of jail, as a matter of fact. One of the driver is back out in the streets. The passenger is out in the street, moving like they was moving before they went to jail. But I'm still locked up. [01:06:20] Typical. Friday, I joined King James live. The reason why is because he has smash. [01:06:31] He has smash on a live. Now, if y'all have ever been a part of King James live is very entertaining. [01:06:39] But when he has smash up, there is even more entertaining. Why? Because Smash is going to tell some of the most prolific lies you could hear. [01:06:48] But there was one scenario that he had brought up, and I just wanted to voice my opinion. Just being fun, just to add to it. At one point, though, after I voiced my opinion, I then turned my camera off, muted my mic, and I decided to drive. I was busy. I was doing some stuff. [01:07:07] The live in the middle of King Jerm talking, it cut off, said live ended. And I'm like, damn, do I got a delay? Usually when I see that I have a delay, a couple of seconds or something like that, and I'm all right. They ended it. So the live ended. [01:07:26] My phone went to screensaver, right? I go back to open up ig. I get a message saying, oh, no, no, you. You're going to get suspended, bucko. No, you are suspended for a whole day because y'all was saying some crazy shit on the line. You just got suspended for saying some crazy. I said, what did I say? I didn't even say nothing. [01:07:57] Then as I'm thinking back and I'm like, these niggas said die and death a lot. And they was referencing a classic clip, an alpha male classic clip, right? So IG is totally, y'all fuck. [01:08:15] But at the same time, this was smash story. [01:08:20] I got suspended off of a nigga's story that he was lying about. So not only am I doing time that for a nigga who's not in jail with me, but I'm doing time for a lie that I wasn't even a part of, niggas got out. This nigga, this nigga, King Jerm, appealed his let me tell you about the pill that they offered me. They was like, if you feel like we're wrong, then you can appeal list, and we'll just go back and listen to the video again and see what we missed. [01:09:00] That's not an appeal. [01:09:02] You niggas about to go. Y'all about to go over what y'all already think was foul? You not about to look at this again and say, oh, no, no, no, no, we tripping. [01:09:13] I don't know how King Jerm got out of jail. I don't know how Spazz got out of jail, but them niggas got out of jail. [01:09:21] Me, I had to wait a full fucking 24 hours before I can go live on IG. You niggas is saying, why are you complaining? You don't ever really go live like that on IG. That's not the point, nigga. Whatever features I deserve, I deserve no matter if I use them motherfuckers a lot or not. So, Smash, how'd you get out, bro? My question is, when you have. When you go to jail with three. When you go to jail and it's three of y'all and two niggas is out of, what does that mean? [01:09:53] What does that mean? Somebody? Here's the lesson to all you young niggas. [01:09:59] Never show your face on the live. When you're on the live with King Jeremy, Smash. Okay. [01:10:06] Never go on a live. [01:10:10] Stay in the comments. [01:10:14] That's my advice. [01:10:16] Bye.

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